We4ster: Virus or Saint?

I'm gonna vote Saint. He helps this board from being a GOP/BabyBush platform for their stupid Sh!t. He looks deeper at issues-unlike others who hang on every word FOX NEWS has to say.

2 thumbs up:D
Taco insurance? What's that, Maalox?

C'mon, you can do better than that.

You're closer to May-Hee-Co than I.
He's neither a virus nor a saint.

Although his views are from the "wrong" wing instead of the "right" wing :) he's intelligent, has a sense of humor and writes well.

He's a passionate American who cares about his country. I can respect that.
Originally posted by zam70
Yep, we even get learned that New Mexico is part of the union.
LOL...Is it?

I only poke fun because I went to high school in Joliet.;)
Joliet?...................Isnt that a prison............blues brothers!
Sounds like you are trying to cover up your illegal immugrunt heritage..Be proud boy!
My mother's parents were damned Nazis, but they got here legally.....there's really no sport in that. You should have to be able to swim to live here.:D

I would hate for you two guys to go out and drink together, WW III would start, keep up the good humor:D
Now I understand your moniker... DCEPTCN.....
Time to come out of the closet, boy!
You're not safe out there in New Mexico , Argentina is where you belong! Remember the patriot act....they will find you!
What is wrong with you guys???

I don't know if I should cry or laugh about this thread. It is sad that you guys have really nothing better to talk about then this. I read a lot of stupis stuff on here but this here tops all of it!! IT can not get any worse!! OH, NO FORGET I SAID THAT! Murphy will hear it!!

Then again, some of these replies are actually funny after a hard day at work, just the right thing to read but I think I rather watch some talk shows, at least I can get some amusement out of the faces spitting out so much senseless sh$t!
Originally posted by gn85girl
What is wrong with you guys???

I don't know if I should cry or laugh about this thread. It is sad that you guys have really nothing better to talk about then this. I read a lot of stupis stuff on here but this here tops all of it!! IT can not get any worse!! OH, NO FORGET I SAID THAT! Murphy will hear it!!

Then again, some of these replies are actually funny after a hard day at work, just the right thing to read but I think I rather watch some talk shows, at least I can get some amusement out of the faces spitting out so much senseless sh$t!
You ask if we have nothing better to do than this....my question is: do YOU have nothing better to do than ask me if I have anything better to do?

We4ster is a criminal wise-a$$ and he must be stopped at all costs...I have undertaken this work, please don't waste my dwindling energy with your trivialities!;)
Originally posted by Raymond Bunch

I would hate for you two guys to go out and drink together, WW III would start, keep up the good humor:D
It's a refreshing battle of wits....unfortunately, my opponent is unarmed, but that will not stay my lance!
ONLY IN NEW MEXICO.............

Two Moons over New Mexico
(from the Truth or Consequences Daily Ringer)
New Mexico Senate Approves Second Moon

by Ace Ryter

SANTA FE–By a vote of 29-9, the New Mexico State Senate has authorized the creation of a second moon to orbit the earth.

The Senate's action follows passage last week of an identical measure by the House of Representatives and sends the bill to the governor, who has 20 days to sign it into law.

Elated proponents of the bill expressed confidence that the governor would sign. "They said it couldn't be done," said a jubilant Sen. Klaus House of Taos, the bill's lead sponsor in the Senate, "and yet thanks to the courageous action by this body, two moons will soon be shining over this great state."

The bill is the first of its kind in the nation to pass both chambers of a state legislature. Proposals to authorize creation of a second moon have been defeated in each of the last three legislative sessions in New Mexico. This year, however, the initiative gained momentum among lawmakers from rural parts of the state, where weather conditions have reduced the existing moon's availability. One eight-county area has had virtually no access to the moon this year.
Senators from rural districts voted unanimously for the bill, which was heavily lobbied by the New Mexico Astrological Association. Rich Mann, spokesman for the NMAA, praised the senators for their vote.
"The Senate's action now allows the governor to relieve the misery and suffering of many New Mexicans," Mann said. He predicted that the presence of a second moon will improve the astrological fortunes of many individuals.

"Right now, a lot of New Mexicans are hurting because there is no moon in the third and eighth houses," Mann said. "A second moon would take care of that.

"It would also create a favorable triadic alignment between Mars and Uranus, which would be good for the sheep."

Allegations that many lawmakers were influenced to vote for the measure by a series of uniformly pessimistic star charts from their astrologers could not be confirmed.

Opponents of the bill received the news with dismay, reiterating their message that the legislation was bad science and bad public policy and expressing the hope that the governor will veto it.

"This is crazy," said Dr. Adam Meiser, president of the New Mexico Astronomical Association. "You can't create a moon by legislating it into existence. The moon is a heavenly body. It was created by astronomic forces unleashed at the beginning of time. This law of man defies the laws of science."

As he did throughout the Senate debate, Sen. House downplayed the importance of science. "Science isn't everything. If we believed in science, we wouldn't be building the Star Wars missile defense shield or teaching creationism in school. These are things that make this country great. We landed a man on the moon, and we can land a man on the other moon. "Anybody who says you can't turn a sow's ear into a silk purse hasn't spoken to me," he added.

Sen. House was credited with rescuing the moon creation bill from an early demise by his response to the claim of Sen. Burnham Glow of Los Alamos that passage of the law would turn New Mexico into the laughingstock of the nation. In a televised hearing that has since become famous across the state, House challenged Glow to draw a picture of a "laughingstock." Glow was unable to respond.

Rich Mann of the Astrological Association dismissed the "laughingstock" issue and noted that members of his organization were already planning how to create a second moon. "We will be sponsoring an intensive ten-week certification course in cosmic geology," he said. Astrologers would then be required to complete a three-month supervised postgraduate program in star gazing and telescope maintenance.

While the moon creation legislation pitted astrologers against astronomers in a loud and at times acrimonious debate, most lawmakers appeared to be oblivious to the struggle between the disciplines. "To be honest, I don't even know what the difference is between an astronomer and an astrologer," said Sen. Heidi High of Santa Fe at a post-passage celebration party at the Sublime Bliss Ale House. "I think they're both beautiful, and those two moons will both be beautiful, too."

Mr. Mann said that members of his organization were considering whether to capitalize on their momentum by sponsoring a bill in the next legislative session to designate Jupiter as a sun. "Nine planets is really more than we need," he said. "And that one sun isn't going to last forever."
Man, I don't know where you pull this goofy stuff from......but having lived in NM for two years, that doesn't surprise me a bit. The people in Santa Fe are absolutely whacked.....but, it has nothing to do with me personally, you'll have to try harder than that. A new moon would obviously screw up my horoscope, (which is okay because it says that I'll do some spring cleaning today, which is boolsheet) but would it affect my fortune as predicted by a chinese cookie?

I'm sure I wouldn't find anything goofy about Californians if I snooped around, would I? (You people give eachother new heads for Christmas, for f***'s sake!)
Actually DCEPTCN, San Diego is considered to be Tijuana North these days. If it weren't for the beautiful climate and country side, we were actually thinking of giving it back to Mexico. Just too many nice places to go to the beach, ride dirt bikes, and great golf courses to give it up.
We4ster, you should listen to Roger Hedgecock a little more. He can give you some solid information and facts to deal with. All that and not in prose like the MoveOn.org stuff you always site as your facts.
I agree though, We4ster is fun to read, you never know just where in left field he is coming from next.
Originally posted by 2quiktocare
Actually DCEPTCN, San Diego is considered to be Tijuana North these days. If it weren't for the beautiful climate and country side, we were actually thinking of giving it back to Mexico. Just too many nice places to go to the beach, ride dirt bikes, and great golf courses to give it up.
We4ster, you should listen to Roger Hedgecock a little more. He can give you some solid information and facts to deal with. All that and not in prose like the MoveOn.org stuff you always site as your facts.
I agree though, We4ster is fun to read, you never know just where in left field he is coming from next.
I haven't been to San Diego (or CA at all, actually) since I was 13 yrs. old (14 yrs. ago). I am not nuts about what I know of the state in general, but am quite excited to be going to Oceanside/Carlsbad in a few weeks.

.....although I'm sure I'll be seeing We4ster on the freeway with his picket sign that reads something like "George W. Eats Babies!" or some similar nonsensical junk. When his mother dropped him, do you think he bounced?
There are signs on the side of the road around the checkpoint north of San Diego showing We4ster and his parents running across the freeway and warning to watch out for them. They are an endangered species you know.
Originally posted by 2quiktocare
There are signs on the side of the road around the checkpoint north of San Diego showing We4ster and his parents running across the freeway and warning to watch out for them. They are an endangered species you know.

You mean 'an endangered feces'. ROTFLMFAO
You Neks can do better than that, there's nothing more pathetic than a couple of Reps attempting to be funny...It's just not in their nature.

Better be careful in Oceanside...Thats Marine country...they dont take kindly to your type DCEPTCN...They have the dont ask/dont tell policy so you'd better be careful.

Come on down to coronado(seal country), we'll take you for a quick ride......south!

Something interesting about San Diego, lots of military bases, good people and good food. And we tolerate New Mexicans, too!