Water Pump Install


GN Novice.
Jul 29, 2002
I'm posting this becuz i couldn't find any info on the subject when i was looking for help.

I installed my flow kooler water pump a couple days ago and it went quite well. REALLY easy, even for a new guy like me.

The order of operations was simple:

Drain radiator

Remove MAF hose / filter

Remove intercooler

Torque the tensioner and remove serpentine belt.

Remove bolts holding the water pump pulley in place and remove pulley.

Disconnect the lower radiator hose and bypass hose from water pump.

Remove all the bolts holding water pump
-remember which bolts go where; some are different lengths!
-expect more coolant to come out when u remove the longer bolts (have pan ready.)

Tap gently on pump and it basically falls off.

Check to see how many gaskets u need for rivethead clearance on flowkooler pump (I only needed one).

Skim coat gasket with recommended silicone sealant.

Install pump and reaffix with original bolts. (Make sure you use teflon tape on the ends of the longer bolts ...)

Reverse the rest of the operation.

****This only took me about 2 hours to do and I have no prior experience. If you're new like me, and wondering if you should hire someone to do this, save the money and do it yourself!

****Again, the only reason i'm posting this is cause i really woulda liked to have read something about the R&R of a water pump on a buick before I started. :)
Good job! With a little more experience you can do it without removing the intercooler:)