Up pipe to Turbo adapter


Dec 15, 2008
I am looking for the trianglular adapter that goes in between the turbo and up-pipe for a stock hotair setup.....if anyone has one or any info where to get one it would help...thanks
The donut i already have, thats for the downpipe. The flange looks like what i need, but the one side is flat and the other side should be rounded to accept the flared up-pipe i think... I purchased the copper gasket from g body but its flat copper and my stock up-pipe is dished round flared. I think if i put it together the up-pipe will cut the copper gasket when torqued.:confused:
I actually had 2 NOS adapters for the up pipe. Some one working for me liked them more then I did. We were talking to our machine shop about making them. They want to do 100 or they don't want to do it.

I'll swing by there today & see if they will do a smaller run. If it's too pricey for Stainless I'll see what they can do in steel. I know the price was no where near $25.00 though. I'll see what I can do where we can get new ones & retail them for under $50.00. Maybe with the economy they will do a smaller run.
Just got home and am so tired I really don't feel like going to the shop to take the pic. Sorry Jesse.:redface: I get off earlier tomorrow so I should be able to get the pic for you so we can make sure it's what you are looking for.:smile:
I guess they are worth what ever the buyer is willing to pay to look stock...because there is an aftermarket universal flange available for 25$, but welding is required.
I you are looking for one like shown here-

Turbo pics 001.jpg
yeah...thats the one he needs... i have a bunch of them! lol i saved them from 3 or 4 cars and turbos that ive had in the past... i know they break at the bolt holes easy when over-torqued... im trying to have my cnc guy make a couple and see how they do! lol

Here's the one I promised a pic of Jesse. I can see no issues with it and it has a "ring" to it when you hit it lightly proving there no cracks in it.:cool:


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Racemybuick, if your CNC guy makes any of those i would pick up a spare..keep us posted on that topic
I looked at my adapter and not 1 but 2 cracks (1 almost has the ear broke off) the crud and dirt had them well hidden...soooo anybody have 1 for sale? Dont have to be pretty just not cracked.
I had actually thought about that and tightened it up just to see. When a put just a tiny amount of torque to it the 1 cracked ear REALLY opens up so I imagine a little bit of heat would send it to the junkyard in the sky. I have a beautiful up-pipe that I bought from Brad and now a broke adapter ring...go figure.