Two Brake Related Questions


Dec 25, 2003
1) Can someone describe in detail the inside configuration of the powermaster accumulator bulb? I assume there is a gas filled bladder inside, but I am not sure.

2) How wide (thick) is the vacuum booster of a proper vacuum power brake setup for a Turbo Regal? My reason for asking is that I bought a used complete vacuum setup a few years ago in anticipation of installing it when my powermaster quit working. I recently checked the overall length from firewall mount to the brake line ports and discovered the vacuum unit was approx 2.5 inches longer than the existing powermaster unit. My quess is that there is a thinner vacuum booster available which will make the brake line ports be closer to the original powermaster port locations.

Thanks for info.
Just bend the stock hard lines to the new locations - shouldn't be an issue. IFRC, they are all the same "thickness". There were different hard lines used the plumb the VIN 7 cars from the NA V6 or V8 cars, but I believe the differences were only in the line shapes, not the fittings.