Two and a half years and now I'm lost

Hmm you ever wonder if it comes with these cars? Lots of bad luck on this board recently...
Like most people said, go out with your buddies and have a good time, this helps pass the time. While the time is going by she'll either come back or someone else will step in, and your having fun all the meanwhile.
Not like I know much about long term.... went through 7 girls in the last year of highschool.... hmm what a coincidence the same year I drove my GN..... or is it?
Sounds like...

...a lot of you guys are a little younger then me, and in serious relationships (or were in them), which from my experiences is a complete waste of time in most circumstances. The odd's of you being high school sweat hearts and getting married are slim to none. People change when they go to college, as there is a whole new world of freedom, and plenty of new people to meet. If I could have done it all over again, I would have been a player and spent my money on my car and me, instead of a girl I wasted lots of money and time on, and past up tons of opurtunities to date other girls for.

For you young guys out there(say under 21) do yourself a favor and be wary of serious relationships at this point in your life, since they have a high potential of being a huge let down, when things fall apart.
Re: Sounds like...

Originally posted by blackshoebox
...a lot of you guys are a little younger then me, and in serious relationships (or were in them), which from my experiences is a complete waste of time in most circumstances. The odd's of you being high school sweat hearts and getting married are slim to none. People change when they go to college, as there is a whole new world of freedom, and plenty of new people to meet. If I could have done it all over again, I would have been a player and spent my money on my car and me, instead of a girl I wasted lots of money and time on, and past up tons of opurtunities to date other girls for.

For you young guys out there(say under 21) do yourself a favor and be wary of serious relationships at this point in your life, since they have a high potential of being a huge let down, when things fall apart.

hey man good call...that is so correct...relationships are a no no now that i think about it in this early stage of life (i am only 20)

i think the reason this has all happened is because she is going to college next month and she has seen alot of new people and she recently turned 18 so now she thinks she is free to do whatever she wants and stuff...she will find out that going to college and being on your own isn't so dandy and she is gonna see some real jerk guys that just want her for sex...i guarantee she comes back because i was so much more to her than that...basically she is bored of US and just wants to be single for a while (who knows how long that lasts) and then she will start to really miss me and want me back...

i've been working on my 91 GMC sierra all day trying to get the motor back together from a that is passing my and my girl have never broke up this bad before...i give her 3-5 days until she calls back begging me back...i think i will take her back only if she can prove she has straightened up and that she is willing to love me till the sun comes up if ya know what i mean:D
Re: Re: Sounds like...

Originally posted by d0n_3d
hey man good call...that is so correct...relationships are a no no now that i think about it in this early stage of life (i am only 20)

i think the reason this has all happened is because she is going to college next month and she has seen alot of new people and she recently turned 18 so now she thinks she is free to do whatever she wants and stuff...she will find out that going to college and being on your own isn't so dandy and she is gonna see some real jerk guys that just want her for sex...i guarantee she comes back because i was so much more to her than that...basically she is bored of US and just wants to be single for a while (who knows how long that lasts) and then she will start to really miss me and want me back...

i've been working on my 91 GMC sierra all day trying to get the motor back together from a that is passing my and my girl have never broke up this bad before...i give her 3-5 days until she calls back begging me back...i think i will take her back only if she can prove she has straightened up and that she is willing to love me till the sun comes up if ya know what i mean:D

Your situation sounds almost identical to what I went through with my high school sweat heart. You will be surprised how things turn out. If she acts anything like mine did at the time, it will work out totally the opposite of what you think.

If you want more details on my reasoning behind it, PM me.

Re: Re: Sounds like...

Originally posted by d0n_3d

i think the reason this has all happened is because she is going to college next month and she has seen alot of new people and she recently turned 18 so now she thinks she is free to do whatever she wants and stuff...she will find out that going to college and being on your own isn't so dandy and she is gonna see some real jerk guys that just want her for sex...i guarantee she comes back because i was so much more to her than that...basically she is bored of US and just wants to be single for a while (who knows how long that lasts) and then she will start to really miss me and want me back...

identical except the ages, i'm 23 she is 19. But same thing. Dude i'm on the same boat as you i'm hoping it don't sink. I think my girl will do the exact some thing, its just its tough to wait. I know people to say not to wait, but i'm a big boy, i'm prepared to face the bad outcome.
oh well...i guess i am just gonna live my life without her for now and if she decides to pop up later and i am still single then i might rethink but if she doesn't ever call again oh well i will be looking for another girl anyways...maybe i won't get serious this time...i haven't even hit the bars yet so i have alot of things left to do
I think if you guys own Buicks that its a good time to work on the car or some other hobby. Just stay away from drinking because it only makes it worse the next day:( Its just like dealing with a death and you need something to keep your mind off it:) Stay as busy as you can and fill your days with things that you enjoy like racing your car or fixing things around the house ECT:cool: Its hard to focus but theres nothing like the sense of Accomplishment :)
I've figured out the whole problem. You guys are all dating younger immature girls and you seem to be mature for your age. See I didn't have this problem cause I got me a older girl that was mature. You see these young girls that you are dating don't always mature as fast as the guys cause they are like daddy's girls when boys have to go out and work and stuff cause we don't like getting taken care of by mom and pops. So go find yourselves some older mature women and you will probably not have these problems. You can't have a serious settle down relationship with a immature girl.
well i got the news today that i was dreading. the new guy is one of the snake neighbor boys that just moved in. I feel like hell. I'm not afraid to admit i shead some tears. I'm mixed with anger, saddness and a whole crap load of stuff. i knew it was gonna be him, he's so all american boy. Right now i wanna F*** this dude up. Thats the wrong thing thou. I'm lost and really lonely.
Originally posted by hanly2
I've figured out the whole problem. You guys are all dating younger immature girls and you seem to be mature for your age. See I didn't have this problem cause I got me a older girl that was mature. You see these young girls that you are dating don't always mature as fast as the guys cause they are like daddy's girls when boys have to go out and work and stuff cause we don't like getting taken care of by mom and pops. So go find yourselves some older mature women and you will probably not have these problems. You can't have a serious settle down relationship with a immature girl.

Very good points, and very true from my experiences. I am currently dating, and living with a 25 year old(I am 22, but very mature) and we have no issues, and the relationship has no flaws to date. I am very happy to say the least.
I know I'm one of the luckiest guys on the planet. My sweetie spends most of her time in the garage, never complains about not spending "quality time" with her, doesn't dump me when another guy gives her the eye, she is there for me when I need her yet quietly waits for me show her some loving care when I see fit. She doesn't pester me to engage in mindless talk, doesn't give me grief for a night out with the guys. All she ever asks for is regular oil changes, good octane gas and the occational spanking of an unsuspecting opponant. :D

On another note, ever notice how we all think that a certain woman is mature for her age, that is until the arguements start. Then we realize how immuture they really are. Men are far too blind at times. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by 88 CuttyClassic
well i got the news today that i was dreading. the new guy is one of the snake neighbor boys that just moved in. I feel like hell. I'm not afraid to admit i shead some tears. I'm mixed with anger, saddness and a whole crap load of stuff. i knew it was gonna be him, he's so all american boy. Right now i wanna F*** this dude up. Thats the wrong thing thou. I'm lost and really lonely.

dude it's's been 3 days now since the "break up" and i haven't heard from her yet...i just have no clue still why this all happened...everything was going perfectly fine last saturday and sunday...i am gonna wait and see as long as it takes...lots of guys that i know from work are having the same problems, girlfriends just suddenly leaving them for no reasons...or stupid reasons...i wonder if there is something in the air right now...maybe it's because college is coming up? who the meantime i am just trying to keep myself busy...i am trying to work more hours and hang out with my friends more...i am still hurt but not as bad as the first's true...time does heal pain...i bet after a couple weeks i won't even miss my girl...then i bet all of a sudden she calls saying how stupid she was and that i am the one for her and all that...hmmmmmmm what to do when that happens...i just wish i could find another female right's harder than just going to bars because i can't even get in one right now cause i am 20...another female would make me forget her completely...
oh yeah...about the age maturity thing...hell yeah a 25 year old will be much more mature than an 18 year old (like mine) girl just got out of high school...

girls in their mid 20's are ALOT more mature and settled and it's better to date older girls if you can...i just wish i could find one!:mad:
if you can find a non party girl they mature younger than party girls. my girl was very mature and then regressed into this " i have to experience everything" state of mind. her new man is a douche bag. he's into art, psychology, bands and gay stuff like that and of couse he has spiked hair and side burns and wears jeans and a white t-shirt. Way to be original :rolleyes: he'll never be as cool as me with two bad a g-bodies and a big block buick. :D she never liked my cars much anyway.
I had my X wifes best friend move in after she decided we needed to get divorced cause cheatin was more fun for her. Well long story short is X is all screwed up in the head and joined the Marines and Im gettin married to a real woman in the spring that who loves me more than life itself and I have a future of dreams that will come true that I had never thought possible. Its funny how things happen for a reason. Did I mention, My new wife to be was my X's best friend. GOOD LUCK.
Originally posted by 88 CuttyClassic
OH NO i'll be a bitter old man then in two months!!! I think a lot of relationships get to this point, it can go either way. It seems that if they go this long its always the girl that has issues not the men. Once girls get into college they turn into stupid b----es, because every other snake guy is trying to take your girl. The smooth talkers will prey on them and talk your girl right out of love with you. Give it time, she'll see other guys are tryin to bang her and she will realize what was really important. Note to guys: if you know some girl gotta man, don't be a d1ck and get your own.

You hit the nail right on the head. I lost a long time girlfriend when she was in school (I was already graduated). Her loss more than mine. She'll realize that some day and regret it. Too bad though, cause I've moved one.

Originally posted by:88CuttyClassic:

"The smooth talkers will prey on them and talk your girl right out of love with you"

Ace, if ANY one can "talk your girl out of love with you", do you really think she actually L-O-V-E-D you?

(The genuine love of an honest mature mentally-stable human being just doesn't work like that.)
