Turbo_tomas aka Tomas Jaime is a crook and a liar


New Member
Jun 11, 2001
Why would a list member lie about what they were selling. My only thought that come to mind is to unload their crap on someone else that trusts them since they are supposed to be car enthusiasts like you.

I purchased a 87 GN radio from Tomas Jaime. He posted twice. His post for the radio was:



GN radio for sale


Ac Delco, equalizer, concert sound radio off my 87 GN. Mint condition. $75 shipped

Now any normal person interprets the word "mint" as something being almost new. Everything on the item is in excellent contion. Everything works.

When I received the radio I open the box and coem to find out that:

1. The buttons do not have the face plates.
2. The radio face plate is cracked
3. The radio metal case is pushed in where the face plate is cracked
4. The cassette does not work. It will not even accept a tape.
5. The radio was poorly packed in the box that it came in.

I have not bothered to install the radio because this is not what I paid for

Here is the email I sent before he sent me the radio:

eqs@frontiernet.net wrote:

OK Tomas I will send $60.
By your description on the turbobuick site the radio is in mint condition so I take it everything works.

Please package it well because you know how the
carriers handle packages. :)

Please send me your address.

Here is his response:

> Quoting Tomas Jaime <tomas_jaime@yahoo.com>:

The radio is great condition, still has the gloss look to it too.

I will send upon payment receipt.

Here is my email to him once I received the radio:


Please tell me you were mistaken and sent me the wrong radio because I took
your word as it was mint or in great condition as you say here.
It is far from that.

The radio face plate is busted and please do not say
that was good when you sent it because this type of damage does not happen during shipping. Please refund my money plus shipping and well be squared. You have pretty much wasted my time.

I don't understand why you would send me this radio in this condition and
say it was in great condition. It is in abused condition.
The radio knobs are also missing the face plates.


Here is Tomas Jaime's response when I emailed informing him of the problem:

In my opinion the radio is in great condition. If you
want an immaculate radio you may have to look for one
that comes on a 2005 vehicle, not an 87. I think you
got a very good deal considering its an original.
You're request is utterly optimistic at best. I will
not be refunding your money and am sorry we don't see
things the same way.
BTW, I dont understand what you mean by the faceplate
being busted. It was in perfect condition when

I have sent pictures showing him the problem. He also poorly packed the radio so that it was loose in the box that he put it in with a few newspapers. I can see that where the face plate might have been damaged BUT
the fact of the matter is that he lied about the condition of the radio.
The buttons do not have face plates and I can even put in a cassette in the damn thing. I cannot push a cassete in.

The edge of the face plate where the metal case and the face plate are damaged is on the top left corner of the radio. This does not affect placing a tape cassette in. That clearly did not work from the beginning.

It just pisses me off that someone on this forum can take advantage of people and that they can get away with it.
Well He might just do that but I will make his life hard for him at list on this site.

And if anyone can help me out by at least kicking him off this site that is well worth the $60 I paid to him for this damn radio.
i know only the 2 people involved are supposed to be posting but did you pay for insurence in shipping? when i sell stuff even when the people decline insurence on more expensive things ill throw insurence on incase it gets damaged. also you do get what you pay for- a 87 GN radio in mint condition with EQ and concert sound go for a lil over 100$ usualy- that might be why he took the 60$ when you offerd it to him :confused: i have one sittin on my shelf but i think im gonna hang on to it untill somone needs one in 10 years and there arent any left lol
No problem ajt86.

Here is why Tomas is a crook and a liar.

When I asked in what condition the radio was is he should have been honest with me and told me it had a broken cassette player and missing radio face plates. Instead he said it was "mint". Mint to me and others means it is in excellent working condition. There are no pieces missing, it is almost new and everything on it works. So instead I got a radio that had missing radio dial faces, broken cassette player and broken face plate.

I would even let the broken faceplate slide and say it broke during shipping. BUT I am surely not going to pay from a radio with a broken cassette player and missing dial faces. I don't think radios in this condition go for $60.

He just plain and simple lied about the radio. Instead since he is a member on this forum I trusted him. I would also like to mention that he tried to sell this radio for $75 earlier in the year. For one reason or another the deal did not go through.

He never offered shipping insurance. I also asked him to pack the thing well so the risk of it breaking would be minimal BEFORE he even got my money. Instead he packed it poorly (loose in the box).

Here is what he offered to do:

You need to stop acting like a baby about the deal we made. The radio was in great shape when I shipped it. If it'll make you feel better. I have another off a TTA for sale. I could sell you that one. Bubble wrap will be extra though.

You have to be kidding me. What the hell am I going to do with a TTA radio. I want a GN radio because that is what I paid for. And it is an insult to tell me that have to pay for bubble wrap.

What a F***** A** hole.

I told him that he needs to return my money and I will return the radio. Plain and simple.
To Board members:

I was contacted by one of the admins of this forum mainly to tell me that I should not harass member turbo_tomas aka Tomas Jaime by referencing this thread on his other posts on other parts of the forum.

Your issues with Turbo Tomas really belongs in feedback. This board sympathizes with your situation, but you cannot continue to hound this member. Hopefully, other members will use the feedback forum prior to making purchases and will be aware of you situation (described in your post). You'll need to use whateve legal means to get Turbo Tomas to make things right by you, but we cannot allow you to use the board (beyond the feedback forum) to continue this war (of words). Remember little joey cipolla and maybe you can get some ideas to get some restitution.

Fair enough I will not post to turbo_tomas other posts except here. But I will tell you that people like him do not belong on this buick forum. Why should they take advantage of you and then be protected by the system in place?

eqs_gn said:
Unfortunately the feedback forum does not deter people like turbo_tomas to stop what they are doing or offer restitution back to the victim. Most people do not check the feedaback forum before buying items from members on this board. It is pretty much too late when you post to the feedback forum. Granted this is just a radio but people are not held accountable for ripping other people off.

If you think about it, like in the real world justice does not prevail. For the most part the loser is always the victim mainly due to the way the system is designed. People that take advantage of other people should be punished but the system is not set up to punish offenders.

I would say 90% of the feedback forum incidents fall into this category: someone trying to unload their problem item on to someone else that trusted them because they are part of this forum. I am fully aware of the risks of buying items on this forum and ebay for that matter.

Yes I have read the Cipolla incident and that was on a grand scale. Not many posts get to span across forums. He stole from many people hense the huge response.

I am sure turbo_tomas has a laugh about this since he contacted the admins to keep me from reminding everyone what a crook he is.

But let me let you guys/gals think about this. When someone takes advantage of you or you see someone take advantage of another do you A. do nothing or B. get up and take action.

I am here taking action what will it do most likely nothing or maybe something. My loss is insignificant but it will make people think that there needs to be a better way to handle people like turbo_tomas.
eqs_gn should be allowed to badger turbo_tomas aka Tomas Jaime by referencing this thread on his other posts on other parts of the forum until the transaction is resolved to prevent future victims!!!!

Especially when eqs_gn has allowed enough time for the other party to square-up .

The knowning of this transaction came from this board & should be resolved thru this board, even if you have to step on that person's THREADS!!!
Thank you for the support Fred. This is not the first time this has happened to me on this forum. I have given plenty of time to rectify the situation but they believe that they are right even after I have provided evidence and proof that states otherwise.
I do wish that they are removed from the forum when something like this happens but I am not the one making up the rules.
The only thing I can do is point them out repeatedly to other members of the forum. And I will do that until they rectify the situation or are gone from the forum.

Even though you contacted the admin of the forum to say that I was
harassing you by replying to the posts you started or replied to. I
have spoken to the admin and will not post to the forum but only in the
feedback section BUT I still have the right to contact members privately
and inform them about you.
It would be easier if you just took the radio back and paid my money
back. I will not go away from this issue.


This is the latest response to my email to him from Tomas Jaime

Whatever floats your boat dude. The deal was fair. Stop being a baby.

This is the type of person Tomas Jaime is. In that regard I will make his stay on this forum as hellish as possible... :eek: :mad:

hey man- if you ever get it straightend out and get your money back i have a radio from my concertsound EQ GN for 95$+ shipping. if you need one email me ill send you a picture- good luck man
Thanks for the offer ajt86. Tomas Jaime will not settle this so I will plague him until he does. Something needs to be done about people taking advantage of other people on these forums.