turbo 400 retain column shift?


Jul 21, 2004
I want to switch from my tired 200 to a 400. I don't drive on the street that often with it so I don't care about the 3 speed. My question is can I retain my column shift and make it work with the 400. I would imagine that you would have to take to column apart and fab a new detent since it is inside, then maybe an overlay on the cluster? Has anyone attempted this before, need advice. Thanks Jim
There is nothing to change in the column. The gear selection you feel through the shifter is the transmission going through the gears.
forcefed are you saying there is no detent in a column shift. I thought when they switch over a console shifted car they have to change the metal shifter bracket(detent). I thought I remember a thread talking about column shift detent bracket being inside the column. If I don't have to do anything that would be great.
just hook it all up using all the stock linkage pieces- the only difference you will notice will be that you won't be able to get the shift indicator to go all the way down to "1", since there is one less detent inside the trans.
if you want to get really picky, you could get the dash gear indicator out of a 3 speed Regal and put that in so it looks stock...
Only the consoles have a detent. The detent in a column is from park to reverse, where you have to pull the lever towards you to go in reverse.