TR center caps running away!!


New Member
Mar 17, 2003
For alll of you out there with original TR wheels, how do you keep the center caps secured on the mag? After a run on the street, mine start to disappear. Are there any vendors selling any type of add-on-do-hickey thing that will keep them on? They are rather expensive to replace, and the wheels look like **** without them. Any ideas are appreciated.

I get black gasket silicone and put in inbetween the Teeth and the rim. The n wipe clean the exces immediatly. It gets old if you are changing tires frequintly, cause you gotta clean it ll off and repeat.
Securing caps...

If used, pry the teeth out a little so the lugs hold better.
If buying new replacements, make sure the metal ring is installed securely on the cap.(underside) I drilled a couple small holes thru the ring into the plastic cap and secured with screw and nut for insurance. Still have the 16 year old originals. I think most of the problems are with the replacements.
HTH, CaptRob
Originally posted by greyT
For alll of you out there with original TR wheels, how do you keep the center caps secured on the mag? After a run on the street, mine start to disappear. Are there any vendors selling any type of add-on-do-hickey thing that will keep them on? They are rather expensive to replace, and the wheels look like **** without them. Any ideas are appreciated.


Apply a thin bead of silicone around the metal "tangs" that go against the lugnuts..


I think there is some confusion as to which caps/rims your speaking of. Are you talking about T rims or GN rims?
I use a clear silicone sealer on my Ttype wheel center caps. They stay on & don't rattle. Th Ttype caps are 100% plastic. The sealer is a pain whenever you need any tire work done, but the tire jockeys around here can break a cap even if it's not glued on. I always remove mine prior to any tire work & reinstall them myself.
Re: Securing caps...

Originally posted by captrob
I drilled a couple small holes thru the ring into the plastic cap and secured with screw and nut for insurance.
That's a killer idea. I lost 2-3 GN caps over the years and invariably the metal ring would still be bolted to the wheel. :mad:

Then I lost three GNX caps before I started using black RTV to secure them. Must be the quality roadways I drive on. :rolleyes: