

New Member
Jul 24, 2004
I am goin to put some additive in my gas to clean out my car as it sat for over 2 years and I was wondering if Toulene from my local autobody shop would work? He claims there are different strenghts of toulene. The stuff he has has methonal mixed in with it. How much of this stuff should I get to put in my car. Thanks.
As far as I know, toulene is only an octane booster, I don't believe it will clean anything. I work at a refinery and we only use it in reformulated premium gas.
You will need toluene to help the octane, as I heard old gas loses it's 'punch' if you will. If I were you, I'd just suck that old gas out and throw it in the lawn mower. If not, throw some gas dry in it first, and drive it around the block to stir it up. Then, throw some xylene in it. That'll boost the octane back up a little, and clean some things in the process.
Toulene is in most canister type fuel system cleaners. I dont know if that is the cleaner or what the car runs on during the cleaning process. It is not supposed to be put directly in gas tank. probably harsh on the pump rotor:confused:
I already burned out the old gas, put new gas in it and changed the fuel filter. I was goin to put some in to clean out the injectors and so on. So xylene works better for this then? How much xylene should a person add to a tank of gas to clean it out? Don't you just add this stuff to you gas tank or is there another proceedure?
Seafoam will do the trick, it can be found at nearly any auto parts store. Either that or 5 gallons of e85 and then topped off with more good fuel...
Just add xylene to make the proper octane you want. has the proper mixing ratios. This mixture can help clean up some stuff, so will E85. But I wouldnt rely on this to really clean anything permanently. If your gas is all used up, I'd yank the injectors and send them to witch hunter for a clean and flow. while that's out, I'd inspect the regulator to see if it's up to par.
Home Brew/injector Clean

I've been out of the loop with these cars far too long. But I used to mix 10% xylene at every oil change.I sent the injectors to the (witch doctor) after 25k miles on car.Had them flowed an all that.Dr. said they were quite possibly the cleanest GN injectors he'd ever seen. I think xylene,s the best way to go. I didn't notice any down side,and the stuff has good BTU as well.You need to put enoygh in to get the results.