Top driving annoyances


Shadetree Mechanic
May 24, 2001
Here is my personal list of driving annoyances:
  1. Swinging out left to make a right hand turn.
  2. People who ride the center line.
  3. Can't maintain a constant speed on the highway.
  4. Loud trucks who make a lot of noise without going much of anywhere.
  5. People who think turn signals are optional equipment.
  6. Fart cans. Thankfully you see less and less of this fad.
  7. Driving in the left lane on the interstate.
  8. People who think yield signs don't exist and stop signs ARE yield signs.
  9. People who honk at cars in front of them waiting for a NO RIGHT TURN ON RED situation.
  10. People who drive with their left foot on the brake pedal.
  11. Lane change happy people who, in the course of a few miles and countless lane changes end up in the same position you are in, driving in the same lane the whole time.
  12. People who don't let onramp traffic merge even though there is nothing preventing them from moving over.
  13. Following someone who is attempting to merge with Interstate traffic at 35mph.
  14. Texting while driving guy. Enough said.
Idiots in front of me waiting to turn left at a light who won't pull out into the intersection so they can go when the light turns yellow.... then not going at all....:mad:
Idiots in front of me waiting to turn left at a light who won't pull out into the intersection so they can go when the light turns yellow.... then not going at all....:mad:

all agreed.... plus people on cell phones who cant drive
.....usually i wont even answer or use my phone unless its an emergency

women who think the rear view mirrors are for make-up application

women putting on makeup, smoking and texting..... while drinking their cup of coffee:mad::mad::mad::mad:

people who read actual books or papers while driving
people who dont yield, people who yield when you have a yield, people who dont know who to merge, people who wont let you merge, loud motorcycles!

i hate people in trucks who ride ur ass...
Mine are:

*Self proclaimed "Guardians of the Speed Limit". They pull out in front of you, then drive 40mph in a 60mph zone and give you the finger when you pass them. :mad:
Or..... once you pass, the are compelled to all of a sudden start driving faster and faster until they finally pass you, even if that means they are now going 90mph in a 60mph zone.

*Drivers that can't pull forward to the line on the pavement at a red light. No.... they have to slam on the brakes about 100 feet back and leave enough room for a semi to park in front of them at the light.
Guess you guys covered it all.Im glad that Im not the only one that go"s thru this.Thinking about getting a heat seeking missile to get rid of some of these jerks.Cleaning up the highway
I love road rage! It makes me feel good.

People who ride in my blind spot.
People who stop at yield signs. it says yield, not die.

When walking scumbags cross the street in front of my moving vehicle then slow down and stare at me. Yes, they've gone over the hood a few times! I know, i tried to get them to go under.

when people won't get out of the passing lane when they are supposed to. I've bumped and pushed them in the past. I'm sure there are some pee spots on a few driver seats out there.

when people mess with me on the high way for no reason. It's crash up derby time as far as i'm concerned.

there, i feel better.
#1 pet peeve is idiots who are riding the left lane and are slower than other traffic and refuse to move over to the right lane on the interstate. They even have a sign for it, slower traffic to the right...
#2 Get off the darn phone and drive!
When you are approaching a red light and can turn right legally on the red.......... but someone suddenly switches over 3 lanes so they can be at the front and blocks you from being able to make the right turn.
#1 pet peeve is idiots who are riding the left lane and are slower than other traffic and refuse to move over to the right lane on the interstate. They even have a sign for it, slower traffic to the right...
#2 Get off the darn phone and drive!
plus 1
Those G-damn Vespa's :mad:, then they drive in the middle of the lane. They are really a PITA and I hate them with a passion :mad:.

Defiantly people that don't know how to merge, I always yell "Like a phuckin zipper people"

And pretty much everyone else that drives :p
CLUELESS OLD people driving:mad::mad: (TAke another damn drivers test)
texting drivers (guilty)
Old people driving in parking lots
People who stop super hard on the freeway so you damn near rear end them
Mine is the guy today on the Harley, that drifted into my lane and almost hit the side of my truck, because he was texting.
Maybe it's just me

But I didn't see the .........It's okay if I get through this light but fork the rest of ya.

I love these people that when the light turns green 3 cars could have gone by the time they decide to go especially at that light that we all know changes rather quickly.
The drivers in front of me at a red light were they can legally make a right turn but will sit there until the light turns green before making the turn.

The drivers in front of me that try to drive by looking in their rear view mirrors,so they can change lanes to cut me off from passing them because they drive so slow.

The ones in front that drive 10 mph under the speed limit usually on a street or road were you can't or not allowed to pass legally. Sometimes i manage to pass them anyway and what do you know the jerk is now on my bumper. :tongue:
I just thought of couple this morning.

People who try to go straight in a right turn only lane at a traffic light, holding up the entire line of people who are in that lane for the intended purpose.

People who glide to stop WAAAAYYY too slowly at a traffic light. I'm not the mash on the brakes type, but sheesh ... it sure is irritating because I just want to stop and wait at a light.

People who inch forward and slam the brakes waiting for a traffic light thinking that makes the light turn green faster. Just the other day, I saw an impatient guy glide out into the intersection anticipating he was going to get a green only to be in the way of people getting a green turn arrow. Funny.

At a traffic light where you have two lanes that merge into one shortly after the intersection, you get the guy who thinks it is his only mission in life to beat you and merge in ahead of you. They sit at the light, inching forward and craning their necks to see the status of the light like they are waiting for the tree versus John Force.