"Thanks for the smile"


eggs are liquid chicken
Jan 7, 2004
I figured out something today. It took a stranger to put it into perspective.

I was out fueling up the brick when I noticed a 30-something man looking over the GN. I was waiting for the inevitable comment to which I keep a little black book of smart a$$ replies, this is all he said.
Him - "Man I haven't seen one of these in years."
Me - "Neither have I , it's been in the garage for soo long I almost forgot what it looked like."
Him - "a friend of mine used to have one but it had t-tops. It was not is as good of shape either"
Me- "You think?" - I felt like a teenage girl getting complimented on my new shoes
Me-" well I have been polishing the car for about three days and it looks a little better."
Him - "Other than the front seat, it looks perfect."

Him - "Thanks for the smile"

There is something about these cars....even if you know nothing about them. The "dumb" questions seem to come from those who almost genuinely want to know more about them. I think I may throw the smart a$$ reply book away....maybe spread a little education next time.

and if for some odd reason the dude at the Exxon reads this..

Thank you for the smile.
AMEN! It makes a guy feel good when his sled is noticed for what it really is:biggrin:
Have patients for those folks. Not all people are created equal. I really do try to talk with people when they approach, but sometimes I have to walk away from the idiots....Now go and get your front seat recovered!!! :D
all makes you fell good when people cant keep there eye off your car.
Him - "Man I haven't seen one of these in years."

I heard nearly the same comment a couple days ago. I had 4 or 5 guys coming out the door of a body shop to check out my GN while I was at a stop sign. It makes you feel good having others checking out your car.

I never really know how to handle the compliments. Most are when I'm going down the road so all I can do is wave and say a quick thank you. I've been using the GN for a DD for the last 10 months or so. I take the same route every day and see the same people in the same cars. I swear people stand out on the curb waiting for me to go by. I dont think I'd get the same reaction if I drove a T. I used NA Regals for years as DDs and not one of those would get a second glance. Yep. I'm taking this car to my grave.:cool: