STILL won't start

Wesley Kilby

New Member
Feb 1, 2006
Now I'm getting desperate! I have heard from several helpful people and tried what they've suggested but still no luck. It all started when she quit on me and I found that the coilpack had blown out the back. Melted at the # 3 plug wire. I have replaced the coilpack, ICM, and cam sensor cap.

By the way, anyone looking for a cam sensor should check their local CarQuest. I priced everyone in town and online and the average price was $270.00. Carquest had the entire assembly with lifetime warrantee for $58.99!!!

I haven't replaced the entire cam sensor as I've been told it is usually just the cap. Any other suggestions. I am getting good fuel pressure but no spark. I have checked the pink and black wires at the ICM and one shows hot while the other shows nothing. This is the one that goes from the cam sensor to the ICM.

Thanks for looking and thinking about this... I am just scratching my head now. I haven't driven my car since Halloween and the weather here in Asheville, NC has been beautiful, mid 60's and not a cloud in the sky.
Thanks For The Quote On The Cam Sensor From Carquest I Called Here In Ga. They Actually Quoted $72.00 Here But Its Still Cheaper Than $270.:d
I replaced the ignition module and coil pack. I have been told that as long as your check engine light comes on when you turn the key, the ecm is ok. Ever heard this? I did check the 2 ecm fuses and they were both fine.
I'd buy it for you here and ship it but it would probably cost close to that in shipping. Where are you in Georgia? I'm about 3.5 hours from Atlanta, which is where I bought my GN from.
Someone sent this on my last post. This is where I found the information about the pink and black wires going into the ignition control module. The one that goes from the cam sensor to the icm has no power. I assume this is why I have no spark but replacing the cam sensor cover didn't fix it. Thanks for the link. I will save this as a favorite as it looks to be very useful.
I'd buy it for you here and ship it but it would probably cost close to that in shipping. Where are you in Georgia? I'm about 3.5 hours from Atlanta, which is where I bought my GN from.

(south georgia) about 45min. from n/e of valdosta and about 3 1/2 hours south of atlanta also.
Take the cam sensor cap and crank the car over, have someone watch to see if it is going around. If it isn't it probably broke the pin that holds the gear on the cam sensor. BTW just because the SES light comes on does'nt mean the ECM is good. Phil
I will try that tonight. If it doesn't work, I guess I'll order an ecm. Anybody know where I can buy a good one for as little money as possible? After buying an icm, coil pack, and cam sensor I feel like I'm chasing my tail and spending alot of cash in doing so. I know Kirban has rebuilt one's for around $70.00 but it can't help to shop around. Thanks for all the help.
Fixed!!! Member jcj53115 was a major help. Went out and checked his wires at midnight last night. This group is amazing. I hope every model of vehicle has this kind of support.

Turns out I had a blown fuse. There are 2 pink wires that connect to the ignition control module. One was hot and the other not. Turns out the CCCI fuse was blown. I didn't even know what this fuse was but had checked the ECM fuses and they were both good.

The combined knowledge of this board is incredible. Thanks to everyone who helped out. Wesley
Glad I could help, I really expected to hear that the wire was broken/shorted out but you got lucky. Keep a spare fuse on hand cuz it very likely will happen again. Hope it don't but very possible!!!! (Ask me how I know?;) ) Just remember when ya got a problem with your TR this is the place for help not the other guys that think its just like a SBC. As far as going out at midnight last night, No Big Deal, I got a 8,000sq/ft shop with 2 TR's and nothing but time on my hands, just glad I could help ya get it back on the road again.(Now only if I could do the same with mine:mad:) If I'm ever down your way I'll look ya up and take ya up on that dinner offer!!!!! lol