Steering adjustment


New Member
Jun 6, 2009

The steering wheel on my 87 T is slightly out of alignment.

I thought it would be easy enough to pop it off and refit it a spline over, but you can't because of the horn switch.

Is there another way of doing it, or does it require altering the tie rods and equal ammount underneath on both sides?

I don't have a lock ring remover tool if there is way of doing it through the column, but, embarrassingly, I can't get the dust cover off :redface:

How does it come off? Is there an easy way of doing it?

All the best
if the alignment mark on the steering wheel hub lines up with the mark on the endo the steering shaft, then it's a problem somewhere else.
crawl under it and look for bent tie rods- if you smack a curb hard enough, the tie rod will bend, which will throw the alignment off.
also look at the condition off all the bushings, steering links, and balljoints.
if it all looks good, center the steering wheel and eyeball down each side of the car and see if both front tires look like they are at about the same amgle relative to the rear tires. the front of the tire shouldbe a little bit in compared to the rear of the tire.
if they are off even a little, you will be able to see the difference.
if they are different, take it to a good shop and get it aligned.
leave the column alone
does the car pull if you let go of the wheel?

if you have pulling or worn or damaged parts replace them first.

make sure that both front tires are the same diameter and the air pressure is the same

make sure there are no worn control arm parts bushing (rear passenger upper control arm bushing is common) or worn front end steering parts

is the alignment and toe in correct (if you have any worn parts then forget about the alignment being good) ?

if everything else checks out and drives straight other than the steering wheel no being centered then the steering wheel can be centered only by equal opposite adjustment to the tie rods sleeves ,