Speed Vision 'I want to marry a race car driver'?


Aug 2, 2002
Hope this does not become a trend on Speed Vision; reality shows like the one on right now, ' I want to marry a race car driver', you have got to be kidding? I like to watch women, but this is just silly and out of place on SV. Time to hit the remote...:confused: :eek: :p
What did you expect with all the nascar crap on their now. At least they still have FFFFFFFfffffffff11111111!!!!
well its really just "date a race car driver" and the retarded part was was that while these girls were competing the "exciting" (if you can call it) part about reality dating shows is the behind the scenes crap talking and cat fights didnt happen... All these girls ended up being friends, and heck after the date they met up and all hung out!