Special request to all turbo buick guys in Chicagoland

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By the way, Chows car was found because it had a low jack installed in it.
Pretty easy to find considering the tracking device tells the police exactly where to go. It was not found the good ol fashion way, it was found the good ol technology way.

For the 99.999% of us Chicago GN'ers that do not have low jack ( highly considering it after how fast Chows was found ) keep pulling them over Brer. As long as you tell them you own one and am just making sure it legit, I see no reason for a law abiding GN owner to get upset with you.
Brer Rabbit said:
Band Aid that was me on Irving racing with ur dad ;) just dont tell scot w., he might try to report me to IAD. I work further south from the area me and ur pops had the fun. By the way since u seem to have a bunch of these cars I am lookin for burgundy buckets. If u have any for sale please let me know.
I have Dark blue front buckets+ rears ,but thinking of putting them in my White T,I have a set to 1999-2000 TA bucket seats that are grey cloth( will bolt in),I also have a set of Grey buckets out of another car....
If you can find my 1987 White T that was stolen about 2yrs ago,then you can have the TA Leather buckets that are in that car :wink: :wink:
I certainly disagree with Brer Rabbitt here and I certainly wouldn't do a burnout after just being stopped for no reason. I mean I have EVERYTHING to lose and NOTHING to gain.

To a cop a traffic stop might be routine, but to many citizens (myself included) seeing cherries behind you causes anxiety and stress (and I've been pulled over a good number of times).

If you have no grounds to make the stop, you shouldn't. It's guys like this that makes everybody get nervous when more power is granted to law enforcement.

Brer seems like a reasonably good guy, but I disagree with what he's doing in this example 100%.

My $0.02.
Well I live in the area and cruise chicago a lot. I would prefer you pull next to me and ask to check my car. Don't hit the lights, we are already picked on by most cops because we are in an expensive(considering g body prices) and fast car. It's not a flattering moment to see chicago on your bumper with blueberries going. I have 3 gn buddies 1 mcss and 1 big block regal bud and trust me the fell the same way. And a burnout naaaaaaa my car wont stay straight. Goes all over the street :cool: !!
If you get pulled over by a Chicago Cop ---HA,thats funny,,,Chicago Cops have better things to do then act like sissy Suburban skirt wearing wussies :tongue: Suburban cops can like my bung hole :eek: :eek:
I do agree with the stress haveing a cop turn on your lights at you causes. Once the cop comes up to the window though and starts talking to you about your GN or TR..it should go away. ESPECIALLY when he says he owns a GN/TR/GN Hybrid. That should be your key to letting you know everything is ok, and as for pulling GN's over to run their plates/VIN numbers. Keep on doing it never know when you might catch someone in a stolen one. Keep up the good work :)
And not to encourage and bad ideas... a TR with a good driver would give that crown vic a hard time! Never seen that on T.V. wonder why?? ;)

Welcome back---I thought u were leaving this board for ever. ;) If u ever make it up to Chicago, give me the heads up, Ill buy u a beer then maybe we can get past our differences.
SCOT w..i dont agree with what that cop does,cause if he did that here i would have a ticket for illegal tags :biggrin: and yes you did say you would" no longer visit this site again"..but just cause your lifestyle is as a hillbilly/mountain man..thats no reason to call any town scum,i would never live in your(neck of the woods)as you may say,even if you gave me the land...there is more famous people and more money in those towns in a 2 mile radius then all your hills together..so enjoy your mountains,go outside and pee in the snow in the winter and spell(REDNECK). :D
scot w. said:
We would'nt want you here anyway, and as long as those floridian morrons keep coming here for vacation that will keep my property taxes on a $160,000.00 home at $475.00 a year :eek: so enjoy MORRON !!! :biggrin:
i dont know anyone from florida that goes to tennesse for vacation :confused: we may pass threw there, quite fast i might ad,to keep your sister/wife from trying to chase me down just cause i own a nice car :biggrin: .i did know one guy that went there to meet a woman he met on line,but she was so butt ugly,like most of them up there,he rushed also threw your state,but was heading home :biggrin: ..anyway i hear up there that hubcaps are considered to be a home improvement,so ad them and if your lucky your taxes wont go up ... ;) ..you need to go coon hunting with your dog blue and relieve some of your anger,you seem a little hot headed :mad: ..do they have a gym there in hazard county?try joining one..lol..
scot w. said:
Hey Biff, I was born and raised in (Milwaukee Wisconsin) for your information if you could have higher than a 6th grade education you would be able to read old post's properly and you would know that. You must be a member of the gold chain posse, is your nickname "posser"? you sound like a Little boy with the typical gradeschool mom and sister bashes and just cause you can't aford to go on a vacation and don't have any freinds who can either thats not my problem. Oh by the way witch NICE car are you talking about? the 85 junkuar, the OLD HAT 93 suburban "PIMPED" :D or the 68 camaro ooooh! or maybe that 86 gn that is built to "TURN HEADS AT SHOWS" Keep up the childish bashing. go surffing this weekend "BIFF". I hope you can manage to stay away from hurricanes :biggrin: NOT!!!!!!!!!!! Grow up and get a life dickhead........
yep im a little boy that owns a buisiness and doing very well..and i did graduate in 89,and if you can count you just might guess my age..and i do go on vacations but not in your hick ars town..the jag has 52k original miles along with a small block and has won many trophies(and would bet it would smoke ANYTHING you own)..the camaro is worth more than you could ever count to..and for the burban if i ever go threw your town i may drive right over your trailer with it :biggrin: ..biff out :D
you forgot to put down the rail? :confused:


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scot w. said:
Hey Biff, I was born and raised in (Milwaukee Wisconsin) for your information if you could have higher than a 6th grade education you would be able to read old post's properly and you would know that. You must be a member of the gold chain posse, is your nickname "posser"? you sound like a Little boy with the typical gradeschool mom and sister bashes and just cause you can't aford to go on a vacation and don't have any freinds who can either thats not my problem. Oh by the way witch NICE car are you talking about? the 85 junkuar, the OLD HAT 93 suburban "PIMPED" :D or the 68 camaro ooooh! or maybe that 86 gn that is built to "TURN HEADS AT SHOWS" Keep up the childish bashing. go surffing this weekend "BIFF". I hope you can manage to stay away from hurricanes :biggrin: NOT!!!!!!!!!!! Grow up and get a life dickhead........

Hey Scot,What's the matter mom & daddy didn't show you any attention when you were growing up?You have some serious issues,maybe you should seek some professional help.Why don't you do us all a BIG favor and shut the hell up dumb a$$
scot w. said:
.............member of F.O.P I was an officer also and WE did not do this, nor did we ask them to do a burnout when leaving from a cruiser.

Well if you were an officer, I'd think you'd know how to spell. You can't spell if your own life depending on it.

I bet everyone would laugh at your reports when you turned them in. I can see it now 'At 2699 hours bEruri JoHnsin repured his vehikel waz stolin frum his garjage at 1300 sw Gry ctrett.''

Why arent you an officer anymore? You got your ass knocked out to many times cause no other officers would assist you?

I know i'd be started by an officer when pulling me over, but after knowing he drives a GN i wouldnt be mad anymore (unless i was acutally late for something very very important)

But yes, i can see this being a problem. If this happened, the GN owner could 1. call in a complaint about it. Because he/she was late for something.

But you never know, when pulling over the person he could find out that the owner/driver has a felony out for his arrest (that is if he checked his license)

Which ever way Scot, you're an idiot and needs to learn to spell right.

scot w & tommynos and to anyone else involved

NOBODY needs to be called a MORON or use any racist comments! PLEASE! Thank-you have a nice day.

If you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all.

scot w. said:
Why don't you stay out of it 13 post newbie!

Hey MORON,look up in the corner I've been a member on this site since APRIL 2003..........and how long have you been a member???? :confused: :confused: ahhh daaaa FEB 2005,your the "newbie" dumbass.I just felt compelled to add my 2 cents after reading retarted posts.You promised us all that you will no longer look at this site,SO PLEASE stay true to your word and good RIDDANCE (not riddens dumbass) :biggrin:
scot w. said:
Adam let me start at correcting some of your spelling and grammar: It should be> you can't spell if your life DEPENDED on it. not depending! duh. Also this should say> I know I'd be stardeld by an officer when pulling me over, NOT i'd be "started" Adam practice on the spelling your self. and as far as work goes. for the record my right foot was severed off in a motorcycle accident it had nothing to do with ass kicking but if your interested? I would be more than happy to meet you so you can test that water for your self. :biggrin:

Yes I know I do have some grammar problems, but I did mean to say 'if your life was depending on it.' sometimes I think things and dont type it.

And on started, I didnt make sure it was correct and was taking a risk at misspelling it. But with your previous post, I didnt think you'd even notice it, let alone correct it for me.

I hade two spelling/grammar errors, you've hade WAY to many to count. It's obvious that you skipped out on English class.

You guys need to see what this topic was originally about and from post 33-50 its all gone downhill from there.

Have a nice day!
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