so who was the genius from buick that engineered this


Jan 31, 2005
i go to swap out my stock actuator with the adjustable one i have. go to take the first bolt off and BAM the damn thing backs out straight into the freaking oil drain line. no way to get it off without taking the two bolts off the drain line and pushing it out of the way.

so much for my 20 minute swap before it gets dark tonight. :rolleyes: :(
Loosen all the bolts, take off the intercooler pipe and rotate the housing,This may be easier.
I say those same words almost everyday whenever I raise hoods on customers cars... :rolleyes:
When you go to put the new one on notch it so you can just slide it in place and use the bolt to hold it. That's what I did. :cool:
notch what the bolt on the actuator?

i'd have to cut it, the way it looks. i mean this bolt backs straight into the oil drain pipe with only a few turns. unless that oil drain pipe is somewhat flexible and i can bend it out of the way perhaps? :confused:
like other's have said ...loosin all the bolts (6) and rotate it slightly . your making a big deal over nothing :p
crownvic96 said:
notch what the bolt on the actuator?

i'd have to cut it, the way it looks. i mean this bolt backs straight into the oil drain pipe with only a few turns. unless that oil drain pipe is somewhat flexible and i can bend it out of the way perhaps? :confused:

Once you get it off you can cut a V out of the opening in the acuator bracket.. That way in the future you don't have to rotate the housing. You'll only have to back the bolt out slighly and slip off the bracket.
ohhhh ok i'm following you now bishir. thats a good idea :) :)

i didn't even think about rotating the compressor section. i'll give that a shot too.