shoulder surgery


Looks slow, goes fast!
May 26, 2001
I've been trying to find someone who has had shoulder surgery to get an idea of results and recovery time. Some doctors tell me to avoid surgery, while others tell me to stop putting it off. I have impingement syndrome in both shoulders, which started as a muscle strain injury in my right shoulder. The procedure is called arthroscopic subacromial decompression, and my career depends on my shoulder. After 4 months of restricted duty at work and 10 weeks of physical therapy, I'm almost ready to ask the doctor to start cutting. So, any input would be helpful. Thanks.
I had two partial tears in the rotater cuff , 3 months of physical therapy before surgery and about 5 months of therapy after therapy for a total of about 250 hours- the doctor said i couldnt do anymore and that it wouldnt get any better. that was three years ago and still have pain and discomfort and the doctors wrote it up as a 60% loss of use. HTH got injured 1/30/02 and went back to work 8/22/02
My career also depends upon the health of my shoulder. I went a little bit with a bum shoulder and could not continue my career, tried to use the other arm to alleviate pain from my shoulder but sloppy results ensued. I started some therapy and now I'm back on the job.

By the way my career is wacking off so I dont know how that differs from your career. I know it's primarily a training device for softball, but if you read on, you'll see it's for therapy , too. My freind's wife hurt her shoulder playing tennis, couldn't work, doctors recommended surgery, she tried one of these instead with great results and avoided surgery- HTH's :D
Sucessful surgery story

My father had a torn rotator cuff repaired by a Dr. Grizlo who is well known and respected in the Medical and sports community. My father is now 67 years old and hits harder than ever! He is clearly the best in his field and from what I hear has a 6-10 week appointment wait. Hes the guy working on Kerry Wood of the Cubs. I know ur injury is different from a rotator cuff but from what I understand, ur surgery is called a Chromial Plasty which is really just a shaving of the Chromial bone to relieve the pain caused by inflamation. Its easy for me to say that it does not sound too bad but I was wondering if cortozone injections was a suggested treatment. The reason I say that is because it seems like a worthwhile option before the surgery. Oh yeah by the way "I'm not a Dr..... I just play one on T.V.;)"
Too soon to tell.

I'm 2 months after surgery for torn rotator cuff. Dr. also cleaned
up other stuff. Also the long tendon that connects the bicep to
the shoulder is toast and nothing can be done. The injury is due
to alot of volleyball.

You start off like a 2 year old - can't dress yourself, cut your own
food etc. pain is pretty bad. It gets better as time goes on. At
2 months I'm working on ROM and started some strength exercises.
Pain is less now then before surgery and not constant. Estimated
time to recovery is 7-9 months. I won't know how far I will come
back but it won't be because I didn't work my butt off. PT is
twice a day 45 minutes a crack.

My original Dr. dx'ed the tendon and I had to push to see a
specialist to get an MRI and find out about the other damage.

bye, Ed -- runner up B-5 GS nats 2004 -- 03 GSX stock
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