Seats that may fit


Oct 28, 2008
Does anyone know if the front and rear seats out of the last generation Gran Prix fit the TR's? Or has anyone tried differnt seat combos? Picture if you have them.

Thank you in advance.
I havent tried them in my bench seat car but in my old bucket seat turbo T they did not fit. maybe you could try using the gn tracks bolted to the grand prix seats? I have lesaber seats in my regal so ya never kno.
I have been told 4th gen f body seats bolt right up to gn seat tracks. I hope this helps you some.
Thanks for the info guys. I was more concerned about replacing the rear seat. I know I could adapt something to make the fronts work. I have bench seats. Any other cars that the rears could come from? Anyone try different seats? Pics are real help. Thanks again.