Scary movie request


New Member
Oct 4, 2006
Need some recomendations, Looking for a really scary movie, don't watch alot of TV, or go to movies so not sure whats new and what not. The scarier the better.
any of the saw movies are good
my favorites are house of a 1000 corpsus and
the devils rejects
the new halloween is pretty cool also
texas chainsaw massacre 2 and the last couple of new ones
I have seen the first 3 saw movies, haven't seen 4 or 5, heard 4 sucked, but 5 was spusto be really good.
but i believe house of 1000 corpsus is one of the most twisted scary movies i have watched
rob zombie has a twisted mind!
the exorcist hands down, there would be no way in the world i would watch that with the lights off -ALONE! :eek:, The original amityville horror is another good one, which has buick ties, how so you ask?-- the guy who did the actual killings worked for is grandfather at the local buick dealership( no-lie)


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scary movies

you really want to get scared,look at the bail out plan :eek: i think quarantine is set to come out soon
the exorcist hands down, there would be no way in the world i would watch that with the lights off -ALONE! :eek:,

That is the only movie I won't watch at night by myself also :eek:

The Evil Dead is one of my favs
I thought " Silent Hill" was creepy as hell
"IT" is pretty good also
I still love The Shining... The original one, not that lame remake with Steven Weber. That part where Danny rounds the bend on his trike and encounters the two dead girls still freaks me out, lol.

Dead Silence is pretty good for a newer movie. It was something different and the ending had a good twist...

Dead Silence - Official Movie Site
"THE MIST" is the only movie I ever saw that actually scard me. It was a Stephen King novel made into a movie.
If you want the oldest, Nosferatu is pretty much the first scary movie. It's a German Expressionist movie that came out in 1922. Not scary at all by today's standards, would be more funny than scary now. But you can watch the whole thing for free on the internet.


here are some classic horror movies
Psycho, Arachnophobia, The Other, The Blob (despite popular believe rose odonelle did not star as the Blob, but she was the inspiration of the movie) , Rosemary's Baby, The Brood, Eraserhead, Salem's Lot, Gates of Hell, The Silence of the Lambs, Hellraiser, Evil Dead II, Dawn of the Dead, The Thing,