Replacement car?


Carless Loser
May 24, 2001
Well, my beautiful, loved, and well taken-care-of GN is no more. :(
It was my daily driver, so I need to replace it with something that can go forward, backwards, and do all the things a car can do.
I don't want to spend alot on a new car. Also, I may just pick up one of my brother's cars. (I'd look for another TR, but my family has too many cars sitting around.)

One of my options is my brother's AMC Eagle. It's in pretty good shape, except that my idiot brother drove it into a 7 foot ditch and bent the A-arms and tierods. The car has 70K miles. New 4 liter head on the 4.2 liter straight six. It runs well and I'd like to put fuel injection on it.

His '98 Blazer may also be an option. Since he stopped paying for it and my father cosigned the loan, my father is paying for it. I may get the car. It seems to have alot of random electronic problems. My brother is an ass and probably would be very irrate if my father took it from him.

Another brother has a '91 Ford Ranger. The 2.4 liter needs some help, mostly with electronics. It's gutless, but get's excellent mileage.

There's also a VW thing. It's completely unreliable at the moment, but it might be able to fix that. I'm not quite sure how to make an aircooled VW motor reliable.

I suppose my last option would be my mom's '91 Ford Aerostar is a possibility. It probably wouldn't last long though. It has 250,000 miles on the original 3L motor and tranny. I can't believe it's still going.

It should go down this way. Aerostar, sold, cubed, whatever; Mom drives blazer; Jerk brother get's nothing (he's probably gonna get convicted of a DUI, he's a dumbass.); I get the Eagle. Other brother sells Ranger for some extra money (he's getting married.) VW just sits around for random use.

However, most likely, my puck-ass-jerk brother will get to keep his Blazer, eventhough he wont and shouldn't be allowed to use it. I guess I should make another thread where I just bitch about my brother and how he should get a job and quit living off my parents...uhg, god, pisses me off...sorry 'bout that. I work hard to earn my pittance...


...and even if I don't have a TR...can I still post here? :eek:
Thats a tought choice on cars. I don't think I would know what what to go with. I think the blazer is your best bet. Most of the ones with electrical gremlins I've worked on never turned into anything big. But I think you should still post here. People that have never had a tr post here so why can't you? Sorry to hear about your car getting stolen:( Hopefully you can get another one day.