Rebuilt Title


New Member
Aug 26, 2007
What does that mean? I am looking at a car but it says the car har has a Rebuilt/rebuildable title record(s). I have no idea what that means, i need help quick.

The car has been in a accident before, but was not major and has been fixed since then
Usually it means the car WAS in a bad accident and was "rebuilt". Its really not good to have on a title if you have any intentions on keeping as an investment... really hurts the value.

Couple other things can cause rebuilt titles, but either way its not good just because its viewed upon negatively and depreciates the value of the vehicle significantly.
Alright, thanks so much, i am going to stay clear of this car then. And thanks for the fast answer
Alright, thanks so much, i am going to stay clear of this car then. And thanks for the fast answer

Not so fast. If it was a stripped theft recovery, it would also have a 'salvage' title. In that case there probably wasn't any frame or structural damage. If it was restored properly AND you are getting a damn good price AND you are planning on keeping it, then you might get yourself a hell of a deal.
It all depends on the person who buys it.Just need to honest with them if they want it they will buy it,and if they don't someone will.
There is also the angle that most likely if it was an accident/vandalism the car was totalled by the insurance co. and a salvage title was given.

When the car was rebuilt, in many states like CT for example, the car must be inspected thoroughly by MVD before the rebuilt title is given. It's not an easy process.

Damage must be repaired decently if not exceptionally to pass.

If a car was not totalled but in a similar accident the repair could be done at home with the owner pocketing most of the insurance $$$, and the car not repaired all that well. There would be no need for the inspection process and the end result could be a worse used car for sale with a "clear" title.

Just my .02 on scenarios.

I'd look at the car and drive it for sure.

But I keep mine until it's boneyard time so the "investment" point is moot. :p
Well the car wasnt that good of a deal really. It had some rust all over the car and the title thing, so i passed on it this morning. So i am still looking for a car thats for sale in Canada