RE: CHrome bolts


New Member
May 31, 2001
While back bought chrome pieces. Parts where never wrtten as having chrome bolts. My mistake. Also had a car stolen in97' forgot I had bought still wrqapped BGC valve covers. I would gladly make a list if some knows who chromes.So I like shine 5,308 Org Mile GN>>>>>>>>>>>>>thanks for any help.Rob
If you've got an Ace Hardware in your neighborhood, they carry a line of chrome nuts, bolts, washers, etc(taiwan, I believe). I always buy stainless, as long as a hardened bolt, or high shear strength isn't needed. Your valve covers would be fine with stainless, and you won't have to worry about pealing the chrome.
Re: Rodman

THanks for the advice. would have never figured that one out. Have a short block to do on Limited. While waiting on that.SHow the GN.
Thanks again................Rob
RODMAN, Thank you for more than one choice.Sometimes the easy stuff.
Becomes a problem. Had a GN in 98 stolen. Now with 2 cars Limited driver. And 4,508 Org. GN. Get too nervous criving it like my first one. Fprgot where I got the bolts.Anyway Thank you..............Rob
Re: Openly Thanking

I would like to go on short sentence to thank RODMAN 9999.
Why, I've never met the man. And yet he has helped me many times.

This is a big part for me why I love this sport.

Thank you Again Rodman...............Rob NY>>>
RODMAN That' the way I always saw it.

You get in a jam you ask your family. Jeez I didn't have the nerve,

to ever write that.

But I'm glad you did.

Anyone can ask me any thing I'm knowledgeable in. No matter if I've done

it before I will always answer...............Thanks from me........Rob
RE: Thank You

RODMAN That' the way I always saw it.

You get in a jam you ask your family. Jeez I didn't have the nerve,

to ever write that.

But I'm glad you did.

Anyone can ask me any thing I'm knowledgeable in. No matter if I've done

it before I will always answer...............Thanks from me........Rob