Raw gas coming out of driver's side exhaust pipe?


Older...wiser...and broker...
Jul 23, 2002
My GN was in the garage last night when the smell of gas was VERY heavy..I found a pinhole leak inthe gas tank...but when it was running the exhaust fumes smelled like raw gas..smoke was white, but just smelled like raw gas..I'm thinking leaky injector....or maybe I shouldn't be thinking at all:)
Also, what can I use to plug this leak for the time being? I just need to keep it plugged until my new one arrives.....
Thanks all, and if it applies, Happy's Mother's Days.
Also Scanmaster numbers with the exception of the IAC are all on point. IAC just needs to be adjusted from 0....
an old timers trick would be to rub over the hole with a bar of soap. the "cheese grating" action would plug up the hole.
Thats good:) My dad actually told me last night about using a bar of soap and of course I looked at him like he was nuts.....and of course, he was right:biggrin