Quite an interesting day (long)


Boost is good.
Jul 14, 2001
It was gorgeous day out today. 80 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Anyways, I got off work early today at noon and decided to take the GN for a little cruise down the main streets of town here. As I am driving I spot one of my friends in a 87' Olds Cutlass 442. So as I pull up, everyone stops in their tracks from cleaning their cars (local car wash here) and come over to my car. I open the door and the people are like omfg a Grand National. I am like yup in the black :cool:

Well we are all talking about the cars (most of these guys have ricers) and all of a sudden a really hot girl around my age pulls up in this newer white Corvette with the top down. One of the guys knows her and jumps in the car. Now I am thinking to myself "wow that's a nice car that your dad bought you!". Anyways the girl and the guy leave and she just nails it going out of the parking lot. Everyone is like oooooo she's a little confident! Most of the guys talking with me are like "man you GOTTA take me for a ride in this car man" I am like sure thing.

Well right as I am getting ready to leave with 2 guys to go "test" out the car...the girl and the guy with the Vette come back. Then the guy jumps out of the Vette and one of the guys that was in my car says to that guy that jumped out of the Vette "man you wanna go for a ride in a REAL car? hop in this legendary GN" he's like "man there is no way this Grand National is faster than this Vette...she was FLYING" The guy with me goes "dude just get in and you'll see" Obviously this guy knew about the GNs and the Vette guy didn't.

Soooooo...we pull out of the parking lot and I just HAMMER it and I roll out into the main road going all sideways and spinning the tires all over the place. These guys were going CRAZY. So then I just nail it from a roll and I have never seen such excitement in a person in my entire life. The guys are like HOOOOOOLY SH!!!!!T this car HAULS! Then the one guy goes "do you believe me NOW? this car would EAT that girls' Vette for lunch" he was like WOW you aren't kidding!

As we were coming back to the car wash I get a red light and pull up next to this one lady driving a sunfire and the guy in the passenger seat goes "excuse me mam...do you know what car this is? this is a Grand National...watch how fast this car takes off here" I just busted up laughing and then the light goes green and I nail it again...I was spinning the tires all over once the boost kicked in and when I hooked it was GOODBYE. I pulled back into the parking lot and the girl was still there with her dad's vette lol. The guys get out of my car and they go to the girl "there is no way in HELL you could beat this Grand National...it's one of the fastest cars ever made" She's like oh really? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not a kill but it was a cool story. The locals here are starting to get to know me REALLY well now. I think most of them will stay away from my car since it scares the hell out of them. Beware of the black Buick from HELL!!!

btw this Vette was NOT Buick approved!!!
Originally posted by d0n_3d
The locals here are starting to get to know me REALLY well now. I think most of them will stay away from my car since it scares the hell out of them. Beware of the black Buick from HELL!!!

You just blew your chances to make any money. Now you're going to have to go to a different town. Also, you should have raced that chick for BJs.
I'm not a money racer though. I am only 19 and don't have all the funds to just blow. Otherwise yeah I would keep my mouth shut! As for the girl yeah I wish I could have raced her. Should have bet for a night to keep her all to myself :D
btw this Vette was NOT Buick approved!!!

Heh Heh....so where's the US41 Dragway in relation to the Illinois border? I'm north of Chicago, but it sounds like fun and worth the trip. Lemme know--Dan
it's just near the illinois border actually but further south...it's about an hour or so drive from chicago to morrocco indiana.....us 41