Question about where to buy Meth and how to mix....

Iron Indian

New Member
Mar 16, 2004

I plan on running a 50/50 Mix of Meth/Water on my 1999 GTP. Where can I get pure meth from? What specifically do you use? For water do you guys use distilled water or something else?

Thanks for any help...
Check your local race shop, get them to order racing meth for you. Sorry, I can't help you with the mixing thing.
I can only tell you what advice we've been given by Snowperformance for a water/meth system we have.

Get a gallon jug of the blue -20° windshield washer fluid (it's about 1/3meth). Then to that, add 3 bottles/cans of HEET gas treatment (very important you get the meth based HEET, there are two different kinds, read the ingredients label).

This will make a 50/50 water meth mix.