PS3 COD Modern Warfare 2 screen name list


Woosh WaGoN
Sep 30, 2001
There's a bunch of random treads floating around about MW2 for PS3, I wanted to make a central one so we can easily find each others' tags. Mine is:

haha dude i was like WTF he is nailing it! I have gotten back in the swing of it -- way different game that WAW.
jdpolzin will love my first post since I got lost in this game. I stole the name turbo nasty for play station and turbo nasty 87 for x box. yes I have been playing that game on both systems. I like grand theft auto the most.
well sense your all being f'ing cute about it

y don't you team up together and phuck with people?

youtube research and you'll find all the hacks and tricks
like hidden areas and the nuke abuse function.

I don't play this NWO game but I have seen my friend loose mind power from playing it hours on end while I am getting yelled at for taking up bandwidth rofl.
I might be on tonight.... if I get home in time currently stuck in freaking ny area working on some equipment on a epa site :(