Propane or water/alky for low boost with nitrous?

Jon E

New Member
Aug 21, 2002
I have an 89 mustang with a Kenne Bell (autoroter/whipple) 1500cc supercharger that will probably never produce more than 11-12 psi boost. I was originally planning on using a 75-100 shot of nitrous for a little cooling effect, I know that nitrous wont have near the cooling effect of water/alky (due to the lower caloric content, right?) but I need the extra power.

My question is what would be a good adition to the nitrous for a cooling effect? (or just increased power) I have read that the propane and water/alky kits will allow me to run more boost but my blower will be maxed out anyway so the only benefit I will have is the extra timing.

I have a dry NOS kit so I was planning on buying a nozzle for a wet nitrous kit and hooking the water/alky into the fuel side and nitrous on the nitrous side for a better atomization. Do any of you see any potential problems with this for any reason? Now that propane kits are coming out Im not sure if it would be a better choice for me. I just dont know as much about them.

So in this situation would the propane or the water/alky be better for me?

Vipers are using propane for the fuel and NOS to make up to 250 HP. They have a plastic box that contains both a propane & the NOS tank. This way you don't have to worry about maxing out the fuel pump on the car. The bad part is that the Viper kit cost about $1900 but hay if you can afford a Viper what is $2 grand more. ;)

Gary :)
Im just looking for somthing that will be compatible with my nitrous. Ive herd that lower than ambient temperatures can be acheived with water and alky injection. With the addition of the nitrous it should be plenty cool. I just want to stay as safe as possible and I dont know if the propane will be any safer than the water. Or have a power advantage.
You can run propane as a fuel supplement instead of gas, mount the tank valve down and use a nitrous solenoid and jets. You'll be shooting liquid propane, and liquid nitrous, watch your intake temps drop. You'll need a much smaller jet with propane, for a 100 horse shot I'd try around a 32 jet on the propane. VW guys have been doing it for years. A 5lb propane bottle will last a lot longer than your nitrous bottle.