Propane help


Jan 2, 2002
I just bought a Gn with JC's Pro-Pain kit, but it didn't come with instructions. I've email OGS a week and a half ago but still no help.
So basically my question is what pressure should i be running (tank and Line).
And what jets are recomended for running about 24 lbs of boost. Basically i'd like to be running the same amout of boost my other car has on alky.

1) 150psi regulated.
2) Use the big jet and tune the DC down as needed.

Also choose a HIGH turn on point, like 12-18psi... you'll save more fuel.
First thing, it is all trial and error.

Have your turn on slightly lower than you get knock at without the propane, if you can run 18psi of boost without it, set it for 15-16psi (uses less propane in part throttle driving). If you still get transitional knock lower your turnon point another pound or two.

You should be shooting for 100% duty cycle on the "Injection Control" and adjust the jet accordingly.

As for the regulated pressure, anything over 100psi is fine and the lower it is, the less effect the weather and cooling of the bottle will have. I only get 160-170psi on a full bottle so I run mine at 125psi and still have at least 130psi in the bottle when I refill it (it took .7 gallons)

Have fun and good luck tuning.
Great, thanks for the help guys. I'm gonna start playing with it in a couple of days.
No prob, just remember to clip the green wire coming off the solenoid so it isn't tied together with the black one if it hasn't been done already.
It grounds the solenoid, forcing 100% duty cycle whenever it operates. Clip the green wire and the controller will do just that - control! A design flaw which has prolly been corrected on later units.
Originally posted by S10xGN
It grounds the solenoid, forcing 100% duty cycle whenever it operates. Clip the green wire and the controller will do just that - control! A design flaw which has prolly been corrected on later units.

thanks S10xGN, you beat me to it.

I wrote a thread a couple months ago about it when I firts installed mine. It took me several days with the miltimeter to figure out why I couldn't get less than 100% DC and finally found out the green wire was to blame. I contacted OGS several times during this time and they are aware of it now.

What happens is that with the green wire connected, any ground that is passed through the braided line or the tank will ground the solenoid and since the controller is designed to cycle the ground, the solenoid simply finds the other ground and stays open all the time untill you get to lower boost again.
Well unfortunatly I will be selling my propane kit. I live in NYC and just found out that there are no propane filling stations due to NYC law only exchange. The best I can do is give it to somebody and wait a week to get it back (They go to jersey to have them filled).
So if anybody want's to trade a propane kit for an alky kit let me know.

BTW Thanks for all the help
Damned Liberals!!!!!

Better idea, keep the propain and move out of NY:D :D

That is totally ridiculous that they won't fill a tank. If you do keep it you would only have to fill it once every couple months so it wouldn't be all that bad.
It is ridiculous, even with grill tanks they do it on exchange only.
And living in NYC also means i'm gonna have to get a bottle warmer. Another added expense.
It's easier and cheaper to sell it and use that money to get an alky kit.
It's unfortunate, I was looking foward to playing with the propane, but it's just too much of a pita.
So alky it is (which i already have experience with)