Pro-Pain problems....


Battle Ready
Mar 26, 2002
After ordering the kit in April I finally got around to installing it. When trying to do some testing I’ve ran into a problem. The command center lights up boost and over boost lights all come on with simulated boost is applied, but nothing is happening with the solenoid. I emailed OGS and they say that I can't test the command center with multimeter, which makes sense now I guess. So today I try clipping the green wire going to the solenoid like they said and listen to for clicking from the solenoid... nothing... I'm out of ideas now, I've re-read the manual more then a dozen times and I've done everything its said. I've even gotten to the point of applying some voltage to the solenoid to see if it even works, which it does, which is starting to point me to a defective command center. I also moved the solenoid/regulator into the cab and tested it directly off the command center to see if maybe the extension was broken and still nothing. I don't own or have access to an oscilloscope to test it that way.

can anyone else think of anything else i can test?
You actually can test it with a multimeter. With the propane control set for max (100%) and applying air pressure to get the lights to light up, you should see +12vdc on the white wire going to the solenoid and Ground on the black. If you turn the control down to 50% it will flash the Ground on the black and the meter will go crazy back and forth between between 12v and 0v if you still have red probe in a power source.

PM or E-mail me with further questions. I have been there, it is probably something as simple as what I had to do (cut the green)
i tried tweaking the duty cycle knob, i even had my dad come out and double check it with his multimeter. the most i ever saw come out of the command center was 9vdc but the second i plugged it into the extension cable i had no voltage at all.
Are you positive that you have a good source for both the positive and negative supply wires? I would suggest you go strait to the batter and try again to be sure. If you get the same readings then, you have a problem with the controller. So far they have only had one bad one and that was due to someone tampering with it, I know because I was sure mine was bad but found out it was the green wire on the solenoid. Sh!t happens and if it is still showing bad hooked up right to the battery then I would say send it back, Dan will gladly hook you up.

100% should show +12 on white wire and steady ground

50% should show +12 on white and black flickering the ground.

Also ensure that the solenoid wires are in the connectors correctly, the white should be the top cross bar of a "T" and so should the red on the solenoid.
i double checked all the connectors to make sure they were in and making good solid connections. I'm pretty sure that the power source and ground are good, but I'll try straight off the battery or another solid 12vdc source just to be 100% sure before i send it back if it comes to that next week.
You think that's bad, try being the first person to install a kit in a turbo trans am, I was starting to think it was all my fault somehow.

Let me know if I can help anymore, I know what it is like. It took me almost 2 weeks to get mine working right from the time I installed it. Agrivating? yes, Worth it in the end? absof***inglutely!!
attached it right to the car battery, and this time no readings.

one strange thing i did notice.. when the positive probe is put onto the negative wire from the PPCC and then the negative probe is grounded to something else like the car, etc. the reading shows about 10vdc. but when i try pos to pos and external grounding zero. or both probes into the correct spots in the connector, also tried moving them around a bit to make sure a good contact, still zero.

just seemed a little strange to me.
oh well, it'll get working sooner or later.
Nexus, can you post the e-mail address you used for OGS. I've been trying to contact OGS for over a week by e-mail with no luck.

Thanks for the link. They have replied and parts are on the way. OT, poured in a bucket of race gas this afternoon. These cars can sure make you smile when all the bits are working right. Nothing like getting a little sideways from a roll at 30 mph.:D