precision intercoolers


New Member
Oct 23, 2001
Case intercoolers take so long to get so would the precision frontmount be a good alternative.I have a fairly new 3 core high effiecency rad so would i have overheating problems.Is there any lag associated with a front mount.Thanks i cant sleep dont know whether to get the v4 v2 or precision John!
There is another option, Cotton's stock location I/C which works as well as the V-4. Unless you are looking for mid-10's or better, this works as well as a front mount.

One thing to consider using front mounts on a street car, they run hotter than stock location so the added heat to the engine and related items will knock down a little on HP.
Originally posted by Nick Micale
One thing to consider using front mounts on a street car, they run hotter than stock location so the added heat to the engine and related items will knock down a little on HP.

Do you mean the motor will run hotter due to the FM or the IC itself will be hotter because it's mounted outside the engine compartment.

No really, I don't understand. I thought the air going into the TB would be cooler due to having the IC outside and not getting all the heat that it get from being under the hood.

:confused: :confused:
Thanks AV68U.

Thats how I allways thought of it, but since I still have a stock IC on the car, I really don't know.

Now that my car is seeing alot less street action, I'll be considering a PTE front mount....when ever I can afford one, which is no time soon. :mad:
Originally posted by Turbojorge
Do you mean the motor will run hotter due to the FM or the IC itself will be hotter because it's mounted outside the engine compartment.

No really, I don't understand. I thought the air going into the TB would be cooler due to having the IC outside and not getting all the heat that it get from being under the hood.

:confused: :confused:

What he meant (I think) is that front mount equiped cars tend to run a little hotter (coolant temps), because the intercooler blocks a significant part of the air flow over the radiator. This is particualarly true at slow, heavy traffic conditions, but seldom hurts anything at highway speeds.
He also meant that you will not run any faster but will have more expense due to the extra cooling effort required to be able to sit in traffic with the ac on a warm day when the traffic is not moving.
FYI on the PTE Intercooler.
The intercooler is currently on our Fall Specials.
Priced at $795.00
Regular price is $979.00.
Hope this helps.

Precision Turbo & Engine
Sales & Tech
thanks for the replies.My best time with the stock intercooler is 12.6 not that great but my goals are middle elevens so would the v4 be a more logical choice!