power window booster?


On the Outside Looking In
Apr 27, 2004
I posted in another post that I just purchased an 87 gn. The power windows are really slow. I was planning on replacing the motors and thought that I recalled someone selling a window booster that made the windows move at a faster rate. Does anyone know what I'm tlaking about and where I can find a pair? Thanks.
I posted in another post that I just purchased an 87 gn. The power windows are really slow. I was planning on replacing the motors and thought that I recalled someone selling a window booster that made the windows move at a faster rate. Does anyone know what I'm tlaking about and where I can find a pair? Thanks.
Turbo Window Express

That's the only thing I can find off hand. But that's for the auto-down feature I think.

I would go with Auto Zone motors. I put a pair in my car. They're a LOT faster than stock motors.
The modules we sell are for auto down and auto UP too. Doesn't matter how slow they are with these. Flick the switch for a split second and let go and your window will go all the way up or down depending on what direction you move the switch. You can also stop it where you want by hitting the switch again. Real cool when coming up to toll booths or the time slip shack.:D
The power window kit I think you are talking about was a "plug-n-play kit sold by Kirban performance years ago. It simply supplied more voltage to the power window motors to make them faster.
the Monte SS guys use a motor out of a different g body car- i think it was the late 70's Malibu.
you can check my sig for a free mod also ;) windows wont get too much faster until you address their weak point first....

The power window kit I think you are talking about was a "plug-n-play kit sold by Kirban performance years ago. It simply supplied more voltage to the power window motors to make them faster.

This was going to be my suggestion, just like hot wiring your fuel pump. I bet if you are able to re-wire for a more consistent higher voltage those windows would move a bit quicker.

Look into it, I bet you could do it yourself inexpensively.
Since it hasn't been addressed yet, I'll add that other components inside the door also wear. This can cause a misalignment which slows operation. When the lift bushings get really bad you can grab the window and rock it forward and back when it's about half up. Bad news. Re-adjusting or replacing bad components, greasing where needed, and cleaning the motor contacts can be of help.
Since it hasn't been addressed yet, I'll add that other components inside the door also wear. This can cause a misalignment which slows operation. When the lift bushings get really bad you can grab the window and rock it forward and back when it's about half up. Bad news. Re-adjusting or replacing bad components, greasing where needed, and cleaning the motor contacts can be of help.

good points,all covered in my thread;)
