Power plate ?


Sep 3, 2001
I recently bought a new power plate and my question is that im not sure if i need the egr valve to work. Is there a way to tell if you need to drill the hole in the plate for it to work. I have a pt44 and running a maxeffort chip. Any help is useful.
Are you talking about a plenum plate?Egr goes thru lwr intake and opening into head.The plenum spacer plate is above all of that.I may be misunderstanding your question,sorry
sorry the instructions say if you desire your egr valve to function you must drill the hole in the power plate. My question is i am not sure if i need to drill this hole or not. My combo is listed below
If your car still has the EGR setup then Id say drill it,If no EGR,skip step in instructions.If you have the EGR,more than likely your chip is designed for it being there and not drilling MAY throw you a code.Emissions may get you also if egr is not functioning properly.Some have had off idle stumble with egr acting up.
Some chips do away with the EGR..... if yours does.... it won't matter anyway......
Im not too sure on the chip as i bought it used. But the egr valve is still on the car. I guess i will go ahead and drill it. Anyone else drill theres thanks for your help
I drilled mine on both cars, my GN has about the same combo as yours.

IF you need the EGR to work for emissions someday, drilled is the only way it will work.

The ME chip doesn't have EGR I don't believe, however Turbotweak can probably make you an emissions chip if you need to pass a roller test so I would drill it.

You won't get a code removing it or not drilling it from any chip with EGR code not used in it, which is most of them these days.