power logger ??


Jun 16, 2004
hey all, i'm not too good with computers so i'm stuck on step 3 of the PL installation. when or how does the USB driver install? i've put it in the documents, i made a short cut of the PL. how do i install the drivers? is this auto? if it is, it's showing not connected. it didn't asked me about which driver folder. my lap top is an XP.
help would be great.
Yep works on both. TurboBob is the Guru over there. I'm sure you will get it figured out.
well don't know what's wrong with that comp with xp. i did get it to work with my other laptop with vista.
thanks anyways,
Had to tap into the harness at the sensor. My car is conversion so i just ran the wires. Had to tap into the tps for my 5v ref. IIRC