ported GN1 flowbench results

turbo buicks

Jun 13, 2002
picked up a set of GN1s that have been ported. here are the numbers. Bob at Precision Motorsports of Florida (pm-fl.com) did the flow test.

FLOW PRO Compare Data Report

No. Test No. Test Name Max CFM
--- --------- -------------------- ------------------
1 267 Cory Intake 231.2
2 268 Cory Exhaust 192.3

Lift No. 1 No. 2
-------- ------- -------
0.1000 66.4 66.9
0.2000 122.4 116.3
0.3000 171.0 146.7
0.4000 208.2 171.4
0.5000 228.5 186.0
0.5500 231.2 192.3