Police shown on tape handcuffing misbehaving 5-year-old

I'm sorry you feel the way you do. I would find it very depressing to wake up every morning with those thoughts in my head.

Do you think the other minorities wake up with those thoughts every morning? I see the vast majority of both white and none white people waking up and trying to make the lives better without blaming anyone else for the past. Look at a large percentage of our hispanic population. They come over here and live in basic poverty (by our standards). They do so because it is better than where they come from and their children have a real chance of moving up the socio economic ladder. What about our Asia population? They came over here with absolutely nothing and they tend to be some of our most prosperous citizens. They were looked down on and discriminated against during and after both WWII and Vietnam. Those poor folks didn't even speak english. They didn't take time to blame the world for their problems....they were too busy saving every dime and opening small businesses. How about the Irish? There is a group of white people that started off here at the bottom of the discrimination chain. Some history books say they were discriminated against worse than blacks in the late 19th century. Somehow they picked themselves up and became an integral part of our society. These days it seems everyone claims to be Irish.

I think it is sad that you feel African American's are still suffering from what ignorant American's did 140 years ago. I'd like to think the majoriry of African Americans have done what most the other minorities who have come after them have done.....focus on making each generation better without sitting around and sulking about the past.

Don't get me wrong, I completely understand that racism is alive and well. I also believe that spending so much energy blaming everything on racism is in itself breeding racism. Have you ever looked at the lunch room at your school? The Asian kids sit together, the African American kids sit together, the Middle Eastern kids sit together, ect. People feel most comfortable around what they are used to. I don't think those kids are racist. I'm sure in class they all get along just fine. When one student does something wrong I seriously doubt the kids are thinking the teacher or staff are racist when they react. The individual student who gets into trouble may feel that way, but that is because of their ignorance and the way their parents taught them that everyone is inherently racist.
Re: Unfortunately.........I couldn't resist

Originally posted by artrenee10
I didn't attend school today, but yesterday, this thread and the conversation that ensued made for an excellent lesson plan. To be honest, I learned quite a bit from just about everyone's response to this thread. I also asked my own kids, (yes predominantly african american and one spanish) how did they feel about the situation that happened. We watched the video together, and discussed it (though not as much detail as I would have liked). The surprising idea about it all is that many of my kids have had a similar situation happen to them. Anywhere from Minnesota to Wisconsin. Pretty much in the same detail.

The other half of my class also stated that the video was a racial motivated incident whether overt or obvious.

I also asked them, did they think I was playing favoritism based on race.

They asked me (to my surprise) how could I not.

Another surprise about this, is that after viewing the video. About 20% (or 4 students) of my class actually agreed with putting the child in handcuffs (or wristbands or whatever you want to call them) due to the fact that they believed that the police simply wanted to calm her down.

I also asked a few friends of mine did they view the video. And finally did they agree or disagree.

Another fellow teacher who is also a black male, stated that at first and emphatically that he agreed. That he would have called the police and put her in handcuffs due to the fact that she obviously had not learned consequences for her actions before.

Then he rebutted and said police presence was a good idea, wristbands weren't.

Florida the state? I'm sorry, not a stellar history of civil rights there. (Strikes a political nerve!!)

Race? If little Johnny (the white boy) as quoted to me by one of my not so objective (as if I'm one to talk right?) friends, had acted the same way, he would have simply been having a bad day, and that he has a few problems and that "he's really a good kid."Received a timeout and a phone call home.

The idea of it not making the news? Your right it wouldn't have, because little Johnny would have never been handcuffed.

My points.......as follows

She is a spoiled brat. I can't dispute that.

Her mother is questionable, (God only knows I have seen that same woman in my classroom each and every year and each and every year she swears up and down that I am picking on her kid) in her mothering abilities. I also say questionable, because I try to NOT judge other parents. I have no idea what goes on in their home, and unless they volunteer information, I feel as if I am being intrusive and judgemental at the same time.

I like to think that much of time that I am objective and fair. I have always had friends from all sides of spectrum, when I went away to college, I made friends with people I would hardly ever believe that I would speak to, because they didn't exist in my own world.

However, history does precede ME gentlemen. We have seen this type of situation every year, for hundreds of years. It has always been the same with no change. It has always boiled down to race and what would happen if that same child was white. You know what, many of you would too.

In other words, when most of US see something like this, how can we NOT think it's about race??

It's always been like that before.

It'll be like that next year.

And the year after that.


That "we all get along now?"

It has gotten better. I'll be the first to admit.

And then when I get pulled over in my own neighborhood that I live in, that I pay taxes in, that I plan on sending my own children to school in that's when I regress to the above.

Oh yeah, he just wanted to see where I was on my way to this time of night @ 1a.m.

I drive a white Ford escort ZX3.

No tint, no rims, no stereo.

No, I didn't hire a lawyer or call my local news.


Because that's what we live with daily.

No choice.

The same state that this happened in, has a HISTORY of civil rights violations. (COUGH COUGH GEORGE BUSH) (COUGH COUGH HIDDEN VOTER BOXES IN PREDOMINANTLY BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS)

We have evidence, examples and been made examples of.

That's why I "lean on the race card."

That's what the majority of you (not personally you) have shown us.

I live the "race card."

I get up with the "race card."

I go to sleep with the "race card."

I make love with the "race card."

It's not something I can turn on and off.

I didn't have a choice and if I did, I wouldn't choose to be any other way.

If I offended anyone here, that's fine.

If you choose to "boycott" me based on my replies to this conversation, thats fine then too.

You are just advancing the widespread theory amongst many of us.

As long we nod our heads look down at the ground, agree then we are safe to participate in whatever activities that involve us cooperating with one another.

The instance that we make a viable argument based on facts, history, examples whatever then instantly we "play the race card and leaning on/and or using our race as a crutch."

It's happened before, it'll happen again.


The girl was black, surrounded by three white police officers, who handcuffed her for throwing a temper tantrum, put her in the back seat of a police car for 1/2 hour so she wouldn't hurt herself due to her trashing her school and school property.

Against school rules? Obviously.

Should she have deserved some type of consequence? Definitely.

Is mom making an ass of herself on TV by hiring a lawyer and going public? Possibly? (Depends on how you see it)

Is the punishment harsh? Yes.

Is it deserved? No.

Could it be racially motivated? Yup.

And that's where I stand.

But all in all, I look for education in all things possible, believe it or not I have learned quite a bit here.

Vicious 6-Excellent points.

Mr. Wren, I too extend that courtesy (email me when you have your first child too, see if your perspective has changed any then)

Bruce, I'll take full responsibility for EVERYTHING I have said.........boycott away..............


Steven (black male father and teacher who has keeps the race card as his trump card) Chambers IV.


Using that race card just increases the amount you recieve.It makes you look pitiful and like you do not take responsibility for your own actions.

I bet you also are a big supporter of govt cheese and affirmative action because the white man holds you all down ,right?

Actually we are getting tired of carrying you on our shoulders.

Oh woe is the poor black man.whatever.
Re: Unfortunately.........I couldn't resist

Originally posted by artrenee10

Mr. Wren, I too extend that courtesy (email me when you have your first child too, see if your perspective has changed any then)


By the time I have children, email will probably be obsolete! :)

Steve, I must respectfully disagree with the waving of the race card. But to each their own, and I respect your opinion just the same. I just disagree with the thought that this is a race issue.

I hope you're going to BG... first beer is on me (as long as the gas prices don't go up. :))
Funny, I have a 70% Black population at my school too and when my class saw the video most thought the girl got what she deserved. I've seen em white and black getting carted out of school in handcuffs.

An old issue was brought up as well about the election. Who can forget the Dems trying to keep the military absentee votes out too. :rolleyes: I deal with liberal teachers like you everyday that are afraid to touch issues because of the "Race Card." I say fugg it, if they fire me I'll get a job at Wal-Mart and make the same $$. :D

This thread is getting a little uncomfortable and will not turn into a black and white thing. Please stay on track as much as you can. I appreciate it:)
Blacks shout racism quick and there is racism around all over. Its alive and I see alot of it from the black community. There are TONS of black only orginizations. You better not have a "white only" group. United nigro college fund, black history month.....I thought history was history???, black.......you fill in the blank, and the big one, NAACP. Just the name is racial descrimination. National Association of the Advancement of Colored People. Think of it. If racism didn't exist, neither would the NAACP. No more lavish life styles. No more big pay checks for working in that orginization. Thats why they, and alot of other blacks are looking for anything, and any situation where a black was involved, no matter what the evidence is to shout RACISM ! I have a cop friend (ex girl friend actually) in Memphis. She got so tired of hearing "your only arresting me cause Im black" that one night she had enough. She said, "ok, we'll sit here and wait for a white person to come along and I'll arrest THEM for something. After about 45 min. and no white person, she turned to him and said, " you know what, maybe I arrested you because your out here selling crack and not because your black. (he had two rocks on him and was arrested before for the same thing) that just proves my point that no matter what the situation, they always look for the race pity action.

I remember the story during black history month about the food vendor that sold food out of his cart on the street. A couple of cops happen to be there buying food from him just as a bus of people were arriving on the grounds for the rally. One of the cops bought a banana and was eating it as the bus drove by and a black woman saw him eating his banana. She wrote a letter to the mayor of the city DEMANDING an appology for being offended by the cop EATING HIS BANANA. I'll let that one sink in.

I bet I couldn't even think about starting a white college fund and not get sued for discrimination. A white kid can't get into a college just because he's WHITE, he may be more qualified than the black kid, but gets the boot because of all the public and racial groups looking for "free rides" and applying pressure. to the schools. I can't believe that anyone would think that video was racial. The first time I watched it that never even crossed my mind until someone mentioned it. Using a 5 year old kid to try and push a racial agenda is low. Your a racist just by admitting you accept favortism just because your black.
Re: I disagree....

Originally posted by artrenee10
Im sorry but there is no way UNDERNEATH ANY CIRCUMSTANCES would I allow police officers to handcuff my child...Guys yes she was acting out but how is that any different than any of the temper tantrums that YOUR own children have thrown. I have a two year old and as we all know the terribletwo's ain't nothin nice. But to be put in handcuffs for a temper tantrum is a bit extreme.....no Im sorry I don't agree....

And Im also a school teacher (7th Grade Language Arts)

And those same teachers should have taken control of their situation and their classroom as well.

Somehow, I think that if it were some of your own children that were being handcuffed for throwing a temper tantrum essentially, you might have a different opinion.....

She's a five year old girl.......

Is this what we have came to?
You sir are part of the problem.
Re: I think you are taking this out of proportion

Originally posted by artrenee10
And then not leaving it in its perspective as well...............First off, Broke 1 is right, he said merely what I also initially thought at first. That yes, this is a FIVE YEAR OLD GIRL. Do I condone her acting out, no I don't, do I agree with her behavior, absolutely not, would I stomp my child six feet from the ground if he ever even entertained the THOUGHT of acting this way I sure as hell would. Would I agree with the police being called on, my child, YOUR CHILD, anyone's child who is not even able to ride anything but a bicycle with training wheels to be allowed to be put in handcuffs, NO I DON"T.

I don't blame her.......for merely not knowing right from wrong. That's why they are called children...ask me how I know:rolleyes:

I blame her mother for obviously not stomping her child six feet from the good earth when she had/has the opportunity to.

I blame her teachers for not being able to control A FIVE YEAR OLD GIRL. (God she was SOOOOOOOOOOO out of control correct?)

I blame the police officers for not having the good sense to not traumatize this child, to not have her believe that basically (and believe it or not this is far worse in the long run) that most white people are bad and will try to take her away from her mother if she a way that is uncontrollable (In her five year old mind)

Steven J. Chambers IV
You've said a lot of things authorities SHOULDN'T have done.

Let's hear it from your expert opinion;

What should the teacher done?

What should the police have done?
Originally posted by broke1
With that being said,im sick and tired of police using excessive force and/or restraining the elderly and children.
Are you kidding me?

You call restraining someone's hands/arms/feet excessive force? No offense, but WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON?

Perhaps some education/training in "use of force techniques" or self defense tactics would clarify things.

Maybe your idea of controlling an out of control kid is singing a lullaby but that's not what Law Enforcement does. You involve the police and it's time to conduct business. It's not playtime with Barney the Dinosaur.

Want a child psychologist then call a child psychologist. Want a pizza delivered then order a Dominos Pizza. Need someone restrained or controlled then you call the cops. End of story.

This topic always gets my ire up because armchair quarterbacks always say "you big, bad cops hurt my precious little angel". Angel my ass....discipline your kid and keep him/her in line so the school doesn't have to call cops who have no choice but to control the situation because panzy-ass parents sue school districts because they "touched little Johnny".

I say put the paddles back on the walls and if crap like this happens it's 5 whacks on the fanny.

Had I acted a fool like that my ex-Marine dad would have whooped my ass I wouldn't have sat down for a week. And I wouldn't have acted like that again. Unfortunately the politically correct direction this country is headed will only exacerbate this problem and we'll see more and more of it.
Originally posted by TT/A1233
Are you kidding me?

You call restraining someone's hands/arms/feet excessive force? No offense, but WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON?

Perhaps some education/training in "use of force techniques" or self defense tactics would clarify things.

Maybe your idea of controlling an out of control kid is singing a lullaby but that's not what Law Enforcement does. You involve the police and it's time to conduct business. It's not playtime with Barney the Dinosaur.

Want a child psychologist then call a child psychologist. Want a pizza delivered then order a Dominos Pizza. Need someone restrained or controlled then you call the cops. End of story.

This topic always gets my ire up because armchair quarterbacks always say "you big, bad cops hurt my precious little angel". Angel my ass....discipline your kid and keep him/her in line so the school doesn't have to call cops who have no choice but to control the situation because panzy-ass parents sue school districts because they "touched little Johnny".

I say put the paddles back on the walls and if crap like this happens it's 5 whacks on the fanny.

Had I acted a fool like that my ex-Marine dad would have whooped my ass I wouldn't have sat down for a week. And I wouldn't have acted like that again. Unfortunately the politically correct direction this country is headed will only exacerbate this problem and we'll see more and more of it.

yea, what he said :D
Originally posted by TT/A1233
Are you kidding me?

You call restraining someone's hands/arms/feet excessive force? No offense, but WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON?

Perhaps some education/training in "use of force techniques" or self defense tactics would clarify things.

Maybe your idea of controlling an out of control kid is singing a lullaby but that's not what Law Enforcement does. You involve the police and it's time to conduct business. It's not playtime with Barney the Dinosaur.

Want a child psychologist then call a child psychologist. Want a pizza delivered then order a Dominos Pizza. Need someone restrained or controlled then you call the cops. End of story.

This topic always gets my ire up because armchair quarterbacks always say "you big, bad cops hurt my precious little angel". Angel my ass....discipline your kid and keep him/her in line so the school doesn't have to call cops who have no choice but to control the situation because panzy-ass parents sue school districts because they "touched little Johnny".

I say put the paddles back on the walls and if crap like this happens it's 5 whacks on the fanny.

Had I acted a fool like that my ex-Marine dad would have whooped my ass I wouldn't have sat down for a week. And I wouldn't have acted like that again. Unfortunately the politically correct direction this country is headed will only exacerbate this problem and we'll see more and more of it.

Dean I am with you also, could not have said it any better:p
Originally posted by NJTurbo

This thread is getting a little uncomfortable and will not turn into a black and white thing. Please stay on track as much as you can. I appreciate it:)

The only reason it has slanted toward black and white is because there are those who WANT it to be a black and white thing. The topic, if I remember correctly, was questioning if it was excessive force?? It was made into a racial situation by those shouting "racism" instead of what it actually was, a "bad ass little girl that needs her tail tore up".

I agree, it isn't in any shape or form a racial issue. That, I regret, is the only issue some people look for in any situation when there is a black and a white involved. The first thing that pops into everybody's mind when they hear of a black and a white person in a bad situation, is it was racially motivated. Not that some people, regardless of color, are bad or good. Most people are good in general. I like to believe that anyway. Some people turn bad, others just have a devious nature from the get go. People may take this the wrong way, but kids are like dogs. They don't know any better until you teach them whats right or wrong. Ever watch kids play? Kids don't realize black and white differences until they are TAUGHT it. Racism is TAUGHT. All they know is skin color differences. They start thinking "black and white" because of what they see and hear. Some of you, thinking your "milking" the system by looking for favortism or privliges because of your skin color are keeping the racism alive and don't even know it.

Hopefully this little girl will learn before she does something really bad and she's kept up by the state and we have to pay to keep her up because her mom and dad didn't have the balls to discipline her and teach her right from wrong.

btw Bill cosby is a brilliant man.
Seems to me it doesn't take much for a parent to put the "fear of God" into a 5 year old and teach them to respect adults. This "parent" must be teaching her child the opposite.

It's a shame that black folks have to view "everything" through the filter of possible racism. I think, to most whites, it's laughable or, in many cases, will get this reaction.......... :rolleyes:. It's obvious to me that most people will go out of there way to be sensitive to minorities. This very perception by blacks that just about any action can be racism, causes far more suspicion and bad feelings by whites, than there would otherwise be.

When I meet someone, I judge them by their actions. If you act like an asshole, it doesn't really matter what color you are. Maybe YOU misread someone's act or someone does something simply because they don't like you. Many times people don't like me. Should I use the Italian card? :p I think to myself, "is this guy calling me a WOP?" :mad: Naa....it's not worth it. Instead, I'll just X-off that person, not the whole race or ethnic group. I don't evaluate things according to those factors.

Had this child been white, acting in this manner, would have met the same fate..........and the trailer-trash mother, with ambulance chaser assistance, would also want to sue. ;)
Maybe what the school systems need in this country are more substitute teachers like Tom Berringer was in the movie. artrenee, you are precisely what is wrong with schools now days and you think this touchy feely approach is going to solve things. That is why they have got to this point. Those ideas have failed miserably. Schools don't need more money, they don't need more sensitivity, they need more actions like this little brat from hell got.

And broke1, next time you need help with someone ripping you off or coming at you with force, who ya gonna call? Cops aren't the problem, they have to deal with this type of trash all the time and those that think law is only for the wimpy. Grow up dude, your lack of life experience is showing brightly.

Back to the point, the little brat got what was needed, her mommy needs to have a judge kick her to the curb with this law suit she is going for, take the kid and put her into a mental institution to see why she is so anti social.

Stop being such panzies guys, kids like this become serial killers, or are you that blind?
Seemed a shame to see this thread go from a disiplinary/control issue to a racial issue to a social issue in such a short time and cause some feathers to get ruffled in the process. Adults(including teachers,police,etc) have a responsibility to society to ensure both the safety, security, and the showing of respect to others when charged with the supervision of children in a public environment. They look to adults as THE example on how to interact as a productive member of society. I did not even know that the girl was black until yesterday!! Obvious breakdown of parenting skills and acting out as she has been allowed at home. The teachers and police had every right and duty to protect her from injury to both herself and others, and yes I would have and will allow my children to be treated the same if an adult deems it necessary IN MY ABSENCE. To paraphrase Bishers comments; if the parents don't care, why should we expect the child to be any different. I welcome comments and criticism from adults about my children, fortunately they are usually positive in regards to their conduct in public venues and in dealings with the adult population.
Re: Re: Response

Originally posted by bruce
So you want to be able to say anything, and not really have to take responsibility for making a statement?.

That don't work in my book. If someone wants to take a position I don't agree with, I'll boycott them, and write them to let them know why. And yes there are some that want to disagree with me, that I won't offer any tech help to.

Kind of a ying, and yang, thing.

Actually its 'kind of an arrogance thing', which you excell at.
This whole event is in no way a racial thing. Anyone basing their thoughts on that are showing just how weak their argument is and have no place else to hang their hat. Any kid would have been handled that same exact way and should have been. If you can't stomach the fact that kids at that age are acting like this, then stay in your cave and let people more responsible and knowing than yourself handle the garbage as they do every day. I see so much denial in this whole post and that is precisely why these things happen. Some turn their backs and hope little Johnny or Suzy gets tired and settles down and become good people. They don't so open your eyes to reality.
Re: Re: Re: Response

Originally posted by smokin'6
Actually its 'kind of an arrogance thing', which you excell at.

Where is it written, that I have to share with those I don't agree with?. While they might exercise their freedom of speach, I can exercise my freedom not to speak.

Just as an intelligent parent might teach their young thur positive reinforcement, I elect to share, and develope friendships with people that I have things in common with.

How many people that you don't like, do you hang out with?.

It's interesting how some people pretend to know what motivates others, or how quick they are to label people.
Still waiting....

The critics here have been quick to place blame on everyone EXCEPT the kid/parent I'm still waiting for answers to these seemingly simple little questions:

What should the teacher have done differently?

What should school administrators have done differently?

What should the police have done differently?