Pics and Vids BG2008

will you have one of the nicest big tire buick's i have ever seen! the car has a tottaly different sound to it! sounds like a jet engine. bad a$$ ride! you will get it all worked out. best thing you ever did was install that fast system! good luck! and i hope to catch you in the other lane some day!

Thanks for the compliments Len and congrats on the elusive 6 sec pass! I came by to meet you in person a couple of times but you were ususally tied up with the car. I'm sure we'll line up some day soon!
photo of the coolest pic of the year,

I shot this photo from AJ's video camera where his rear bumper nearly touches the ground....

anyone know how to get clint's phone #?

hi clint,
i would like to call you about some pictures you shot of my two cars @ bowling green.always good to talk to you and trampus.sorry about his car.he will be back though.
thanks for the wonderful pictures that you take,memories are what lifes all about and you preserve those for all us buick racers.see ya soon.
your friend,
bobby don:biggrin:
Coolest Pic of the year, David put his rear bumper on the ground,

Driver is David Rowland... 9.8 race car

His comment was " I Saw Elvis"

he was still going higher, I naturally hit the snap button as soon as racers launch, so I didn't catch the wheel stand... David dented the top of his hood over the front driver tire and cracked the front spoiler, he willnot do that again... In fact he lifted the front tires in both lanes that day...

He was scared to see the sky, but David will live forever with this photo, a new super hero in the Buick community

Time to invest in wheelie bars:eek: :eek: