Petition to abolish CARB

Here's the reason I signed...
Most of the decisions made by that unelected body are made subjectively based on highly subjective data and cannot produce measurable results.

The gains that were made in the early days of polution control related to vehicles were a good thing in my opinion...they helped...
But now, we have a bunch of people trying to act busy by making excuses to tighten limits that will yield little if any measureable result at all in the amount of goo floating in the sky.
Meanwhile the state is going bankrupt supporting this program...and when people loose their jobs...they stop maintaining their vehicles....and now you have an actual problem related to motor vehicles...

The big gains in polution control to be had in the US have nothing to do with cars in Californai...or our Turbo Buicks......or Arnolds Hummer
World carbon dioxide emissions data by country: China speeds ahead of the rest | Environment |

Until countries like China, Russia and India get their polution reeled in (I've been to China and India...they are decades away) there is nothing we can do to improve the planets air fact it's estimated that up a large part of what's poluting the USA, is floating in from China and India...
The USA's biggest issue....COAL BURNING....
Do our vehicles run on Coal?
So go spend your energy figuring out how to produce energy without burning coal...and make sure that option is safe, practical and isn't going to cost 100X more for the consumer or cause disadvantaged people in other countries and ours to starve to death...

And lets not forget the debacles of CARB and their cohort federal green police...
Various "save the planet" and amazing "clean" chemicals in the fuel that ended up being as or more deadly than what they were replacing or compensating for.
MTBE anyone?
What a blessing that was...

...and this whole Ethanol thing....STUPID....I won't even get started on what a scam that is...

...and this whole cap and trade thing the Obama crowd is trying to push...another's criminal elitism in a some web searches on the association of Obama to Maurice Strong (Canadian Oil man currently living in Bejing under the protection of the Chinese Government) and learn what Cap and Trade is really about.... and then throw Al Gore in there for some real fun...whata schmuck....

Buncha communists... blood sugar is I better quit for now and go eat a cookie...