pcv gromet


Sep 6, 2010
just installed a new engine and everything turned out perfect.i noticed a little oil on the bottom of the intake.the pcv gromet looked to be the source.no big deal right.i go to the parts store,buy a new one.taking the old one out half of it breaks off and goes down the valley pan.well ireally felt it would not hurt anything so i start installing the new gromet.this thing was a bear to get in the hole.yes i heated it and tried every trick in the book.so i finally get it in and trying to stick the pcv valve back in it when the gromet pushes thru and goes down the valley pan.i put a new engine in this car without a hitch,and a pcv gromet has foiled me twice.im not leaving them in there going to take the intake back off tom.i cant believe this happened twice.
That's probably happened to 20% of us! I was able to save mine by use of a pic/scribe.
Don't bother taking it apart to get them. I've found 2 in at least 2 different engines on tear down. They dont hurt anything being in there.