Overrun Toronto Corona Drive Up Sites?


Feb 18, 2007
Went to Toronto today and checked several of the Corona drive up sites. Supposedly thousands are being checked and the MSM and government of Ontario is reporting all kinds of new infections...and Toronto is suppose to be the epicentre. To report new infections, wouldn't you have to test people? There's 2 people at the one center...and nothing but the sound of crickets at the others.


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That looks like the epicenter of crickets from 3000 miles away.
Jesus Christ he changed it again ... I can't keep up ... you are truly a shape changer LMAO
The government of Ontario is reporting 300-400 new infections per day. You'd have to test a shit load of people to get 300-400 new infections per day...and Toronto is the epicentre. This smells like a whore house at low tide.
The government of Ontario is reporting 300-400 new infections per day. You'd have to test a shit load of people to get 300-400 new infections per day...and Toronto is the epicentre. This smells like a whore house at low tide.
Do they even have 3-400 test kits per day to use. Gotta love prime minister joy boy shipping all your masks to china. Looks like he afraid to come out even after 26 days of hiding. What a douche nozzle.
All the action is here. So your assignment, if you decide to accept it, is to investigate these people. Probably more from abuse than any virus is jmho. All the reports over the years of these places treating the old people like dirt, worse than dirt.

I have a friend that's an RN that works in a nursing home. I know all about it.
I have a friend that's an RN that works in a nursing home. I know all about it.

I remember about 1962 going to a VA hospital in Massena, ny to see my Dad's friend from his younger years. Tough old guy that fought in WW-1 on the German side. Lived up in an old cabin he built about a mile from the hamlet. Anyway he tipped over a lantern and got burned pretty bad so they sent him there. He wanted my Dad to take him back to his place but of course couldn't. It was the saddest thing when we left, he had packed his small bag and was sitting on the front porch thinking he was going home and heartbreaking to drive by leaving him.
Sorry for rambling but that place was a nightmare, the smell of urine was so strong it was sickening. Still can see and hear some poor old guy in his bed with no arms or legs moaning and the piece of his arm left was hooked on the bed rail lifting it up and down.
They've gotten better but I'd love to be in charge of the VA and believe you me heads would roll.
A test: Send the set of pics to all the major MSM outlets. See what the response, {or not}, is.
Include the WH, and the lil fags bunker, on the list.
STIR THE :poop:!!
Here's another bullshit story about long car lines in FL waiting over 4 hours to get to a food bank. After the first picture I thought those are all high end vehicles and that was the first response in the comment section, lol. They have no money for food but money for gas to sit for hours idling in traffic, right. They have so many food stamps that they have to advertise to give them away. Don't feel bad for any of the bastards, probably selling their allotment for pennies on the dollar to feed their drug addiction making it hard for those that are truly needy.
Have a friend that volunteers at a food bank and he says its crazy all the sheeple pulling up in their Lexus, Caddies and Lincolns.

It's just like that in Boston yesterday.
NOT buying it. Media down here playing it up. Stirring the pot. Oh grocery stores here are changing the isles so ya only go one way. Sucks for me because I forget shit an would have to go threw twice. ;)
Don't feel bad for any of the bastards, probably selling their allotment for pennies on the dollar to feed their drug addiction making it hard for those that are truly needy.
A local restaurant operator was buying up food stamps, and using them to buy supplies for her restaurant.
Reportedly $.30 to $.50 on the dollar. The cashier at the local Wallyworld, was in on it.
Seems she ran her mouth to the wrong guy, and he dropped a dime on her. ;)
My guess is that 50% of the cost of the program could be eliminated, by throwing their asses in jail...A hiway work detail would be one way to let them pay for their upkeep.
Georgia still has road gangs...
as a demoRAT never let a apandemic go to waste. :eek: of course nothing will happen to any of them. put a chip in them so they wave their arm threw a scanner. if it fails shoot em in the head an make a body pile outside.. think I'm being to harsh ? :unsure:
A local restaurant operator was buying up food stamps, and using them to buy supplies for her restaurant.
Reportedly $.30 to $.50 on the dollar. The cashier at the local Wallyworld, was in on it.
Seems she ran her mouth to the wrong guy, and he dropped a dime on her.
My guess is that 50% of the cost of the program could be eliminated, by throwing their asses in jail...A hiway work detail would be one way to let them pay for their upkeep.

Remember not too long ago a sheriff down south had brought back the chain gang and the libtards were having a fit. I'd do away with all prisons and setup camps in AZ and NM of quanset huts, razor wire and mine fields. No a/c, internet, congical visits and hard work or no eats. Sure wouldn't be very many return guests.
Local owner of a fish market in the ghetto here was always being pumped up by the local raido talk show host, had him on a number of times and the mo-fo had been running a food stamp scam for years.
When you go to the grocery store have you ever noticed how many people pull out the ebt card. Am I the only one who doesn't have one?
as a demoRAT never let a apandemic go to waste. :eek: of course nothing will happen to any of them. put a chip in them so they wave their arm threw a scanner. if it fails shoot em in the head an make a body pile outside.. think I'm being to harsh ? :unsure:

I like the way you're thinking but that would be too quick and painless for their crimes against humanity. How about a .22 short in the knee cap and elbow so whenever it got cold out they'd remember what they did. :D
How about that chuck u schumer wants to give everyone still working $25,000. Are you f'n kidding me!!!
A true, toxic, old bastard, here.
The libbies think Trump is a bad guy...They're really lucky, ol Chuck isn't in the WH.:sneaky:
I just got a text from a friend. She reported that the rino Governor has just extended to stay home order from this coming weekend, to May 13.
Folks are going to start an open rebellion, if this continues.
My atty friend just called. He's been advised that short of a spousal homicide case, his court dates are suspended.
He's looking for domestic violence, murder, abandonment to increase at an alarming rate.
One of Joe Bite'm's compadraes from Obama Care days, has advised that lock down could be out to 18 months....OPEN WARFARE!!!