

My computer controls the timing and the distributor is gutted (meaning it only is there to distribute the spark....no signal nothing.). With that I am running batch fire fuel strategy.

Crazy stuff - just hope its fixed when I get the new box. What I don't want is another "repair" of it only to find again something further upstream caused the problem.
Interesting why your running that car in bank to bank mode instead of sequential. Hope the new box gets it sorted out this time. Tuner i think i got my hesitation improved. The closed loop keeps pulling fuel out on accel a low rpm, so i knocked it down to about 5% until 2000 rpm and have the mST installed with now, but moving the tau from 80 to 40 really makes no difference on accel, still don;t know why.
Huh, strange??? The TAU was the key in my case. Re-read the e-mails I sent you about how sensitive it is to the decimal number, not the whole number. In my experience, if it’s not close enough to begin with, it didn’t seem like it meant anything to change it. Zero it out, make all the steps just one whole number like 100 to 99 to 98 etc. and see what happens. I don’t think it will let the smoke out of the wires. :wink:
norbs said:
Interesting why your running that car in bank to bank mode instead of sequential. Hope the new box gets it sorted out this time. Tuner i think i got my hesitation improved. The closed loop keeps pulling fuel out on accel a low rpm, so i knocked it down to about 5% until 2000 rpm and have the mST installed with now, but moving the tau from 80 to 40 really makes no difference on accel, still don;t know why.


ME too on the new box........I have been running bank to bank, as when I first got it setup, the word I got from a pretty good source was at WOT sequential and batch are one in the same as far as performance. Everything is happening so quick, the fuel stategy doesn't really make much a difference. At idle and cruise the seq. make things more tunable, but I never had a problem with the manners so I never really persued it...........

Sure hope this doesn't take forever for them to get this fixed up for me.....I am about to pull the trigger on a 1050 carb, a hole through the hood with a nice scoop and a new fuel pump and lines......and a new distributor. For about 1500 dollars I could be racing again.........

Either that or go back to the stock ECM....