One of our members and a good friend to many of us passed away Sunday

Very sorry to hear this new our prayer go out to the family and friends. He will truely be missed. RIP
I know that I already posted my condolences but now that I hear that the car involved in the accident was Jay's old car, I just wanted to let you know Jay, NONE OF THIS WAS YOUR FAULT. Accidents happen and I know how particular you were with that car. My heart just sunk when I heard that it was your old car and never feel like you have any fault in this tragic accident. We all buy parts for our cars and there are many different DANGEROUS things that could happen to the parts and our cars. We are all toying with DEATH MACHINES and thats all there is to it. After my girlfriend past away in her car accident, I learned what these cars are capable of and I am still scared of them. This is our hobbie, it is a risky one dealing with SPEED, HP, FUEL, and a lot of HEAVY METAL. To me that sounds like a dangerous combonation. LETS ALL TAKE A SECOND TO THINK ABOUT WHAT I JUST SAID, PLEASE, SO OUR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS DONT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS KIND OF TRAGIC SITUATION. PLEASE GUYS, think about that every time you get into your cars. I dont know most of you all personally but I do care for all of you. Please let Andy teach us all a lesson. Thanks ----Jeremy

Once again, my deepest sympathies go out to everyone who knew Andy. I am TRUELY sorry to hear of this terrible news.

He's in a much better place.....his family is in my prayers as well as his friends.....
I tell yall i love fast cars but i have lots of respect for them knowing you can kill your self our some innocent persons or worse yet children so i know when to step on the gas and when not too. So please all be careful and think about your life and life of others. I lost a few friends and family due to car accidents. Take care and god bless. FrankC
In Memory of Andy

In Memory of Andy:

I had not been able to respond earlier as my computer was and still is experiencing technical difficulties. But I had always meant to convey how saddened I am at the loss of Andy. Although I had only met him once, I had come to know of him through Wicked V6 (Prasad), my husband, whom Andy had always helped through his goodwill and sincerity. Indeed, Prasad had described Andy as being a very sincere and devoted friend who was always extending his help to people, very appreciative of all that was given to him, and as sharing the same virtuous qualities instilled in him by Jason. Jason being not only his uncle, but his guide, mentor, and deeply devoted friend.
Andy had reached a place in his life, which would not have been possible had it not been for the grace and generosity of God, as poured forth through Jason and his family, and through various other friends. Jason and his family can be forever credited as enabling Andy to overcome and become, the person whom he will always be remembered as being: as one who had endured much yet conquered, a good person who only sought for the good of others, who cherished kindness, and whose heart was made of gold.
Prasad and I, beyond what words can convey, extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to Andy's and Jason's families...Andy is with God for Eternity, and for that long will live and be ever cherished, in our hearts and memories.

With Every Affection and Sincerity,
Beautifully put Miriam. We've never met but I know we have a shared faith and deep love for God. I didn't know that Andy was involved with a youth group until his passing. He IS with God today, I know he'd be very happy to see the outpouring of love and kindness for him and his family.
I am Andy's Father

Hey Guys/Gals,
I just joined on behalf of Andy...not to fill his shoes, but to follow his footsteps. I would like to hear from you and your experiences with Andy.
I have been on for a couple days now, what an impact my son has had on the world.
I am coming to the conclusion that the good Lord has a GN up there and he
needs a good driver/mechanic to take his car to the next level...among other good deeds.
Unfortunately I have missed out on alot of Andy's friends...
Strange looking back thinking "When I get time" I will go with him to the Nat's or Cordova Dragstrip, or whatever...too late...sad...this is my regret...
POSTAL, here on this board, is Andy's Uncle, as you possibly know, my
former brother-in-law...He and Andy were like Flies and Cow Crap...always together!! :D (just what came to mind) as well as others here on the board.
Please send me an email if you wish;

I'll post more as we go here, but close for now.

Jeff Filson(The Old Man)
1121 w. Bonnydoon Ln
Peoria, IL 61615
hello Jeff

Andy wasn't very active on this board. I looked up his info on automotive forums and he had made almost 3000 post!

On here he had 11 posts under the name "alkyholic". He had made another 136 post under the name of "wistleofdeath". He wont have as many internet friends here as he did on AF but he has alot more in person friends here and also people who have met him because of going to Kentucky.

If you would like to read up on some of his posts:

I was reading up on some of Andy's old post on AF. I now know why he liked that board so much better. There are to many of Andy's real life friends on this board and we would have busted his chops on some of that BSing he was doing on AF ;) . No buddy can begrudge him for having a little fun though.

Very sad. My condolences. I remember the username although I haven't been here in a long time.

I would like to thank Cold85 for the letter and contribution he made to help finish Andy's GN. It really means a lot when people sit down and take the time to send a letter or even post a message for the family.
Thank you all...

Andy always ( since he turned 21 of course :smile: ) wanted me to go out and drink some beer with him. I never did until I moved out(getting divorced)
I didn't want to because beer gives me heartburn severely, then he says to me one evening" You need to try some "Blue Moon"... well with a little arm twisting and convincing me that it won't give me heartburn, I decided to give
it a try...we sat at my place an downed a 12 pack that night. We had a great time and I didn't get heartburn!
I have 2 12 packs in the fridge and I am workin on getting slap happy right now, every bottle goes down in memory of my son. Thanks little buddy. I just wish you was here to help me suck em down. They don't go as fast when you are not here. Anyway (opening another) here's to you.
Clark if you read this, I want his little speech from the Hofbrau, something about "here 's to me... here's to you...if you don't drink to that...then
F___ YOU !! How exactly does that go?
Thank you for all,
I think its:

Heres to you
Heres to me
best friends will forever be
and if we ever disagree.....
then F' you heres to me

Thats really close I believe. We need to have a meeting down at the hoffbrau in the next few weeks.

The legacy of Andy

Hello Jeff. It is so good see you here. As we spoke about at the wake and at the funeral, I wish that we could have met under different circumstances. But sometimes in life, unfortunate events bring people together for a reason. Yes, Andy touched so many lives, much more than anyone had imagined. Once again, this is a tribute to Andy as having been a very loving, caring, devoted, and most importantly, a good and generous person who had walked with God in his life. Andy was known for giving to others, all that he could offer to them at the time, which was his helping hand to anybody that needed one. I was the recipient of that many times.

I would never forget the time in which he came to my house. I was home after a knee surgery; I could not do much and Jason decided to come with his truck and trailer to move about 20 cars or so from storage, from my old house to the new house. From what I understand, Jason had just mentioned to Andy that he was going to help me move all of the cars, which you know is a big and back breaking task. Andy just asked Jason what time was he leaving from his house, and Andy arrived at Jason’s house fifteen minutes before Jason left for my house. I was surprised to see Andy when he and Jason appeared in my driveway. Andy had known that I was sore, partly immobile, and could use his help--and he was acting on his instinctive nature in his motive to help me. He arrived at my house without me even asking him for his help. Jason and Andy remained over night because we were not done with moving all of the cars in one day. I could not even offer Andy a bed, yet he was just happy to sleep on the couch. When I went downstairs to waken Jason and Andy the next day, I would never forget the sight of Andy sleeping on the couch, contorted and clearly uncomfortable. It never bothered Andy though, as his goal was to help me, and I will always be grateful for that and for everything he has done for me.

When I came to the wake, I had thought people were merely lingering in the first parlor. When I looked closely, I came to realize that people had formed a line in the whole room, front to back, as they moved into the next parlor which was also packed with people, who had come to pay their final respects and prayers for Andy. I had lived in the big city Chicago for a while, and I have seen and attended many funerals, yet I have never seen as many cars in a funeral procession as long as we had for Andy, it was few miles long I think. It was as though a state official or high profile person had passed away. Yet what we all had witnessed on the day of the wake and at the funeral, and had come to realize, is that: although Andy was neither a state official nor a celebrity, nor did he aspire to become one, Andy's genuine and reputable character had built for himself a fame which transcended worldly fame, for which he became greatly recognized and respected for. Andy’s kindness, love and generosity to others was by putting their needs first before his own needs, and before his own comfort and luxury, and that made Andy to be respected and revered by the society that he touched. It is these Godly traits that made Andy famous...I hope that we all can look back, realize, and learn from what Andy left us with: it is not how well we rank in status or by financial means in society, it is how many people you can touch through your God given ability to help others, with the time He has provided you with, here on earth. And Andy accomplished much more at the age of 22 than an average person would have ever accomplished in a full life span.

Andy is with God now, and with that comfort, we can all carry his memory forever, as Andy's legacy is a living example, lesson, and testimony of how we should all live as a human race: to put God in our lives first and foremost, love your neighbor secondly, as Andy did, then all else will fall in place.

My sincere condolences to all andys family and friends.
I didnt know him and live all the way in ny but after reading about him I can only dream that 1/3 the amount of people who cared for him have such things to say about me,then ill have accomplished something.