

Jun 14, 2004
Its too late to call anyone and I really needed to tell someone about this so here goes.
About one in tne morningmy wife and I were watching some Chris Rock on HBO. Out of the blue I think I hear one of my kids crying and pause the TV to check it out. Nothing. They were all sound asleep. No big deal. Me and the wife decide since its paused, we will go take a smoke break. Normally we smoke on the front porch(never inside) but tonite was a tad chilly so we took it out in the garage.
Besides the garage door, we have an access door to exit out the back. Its a hollow core cheap door with a 1 sq foot diamond shaped window. While we were out there, I see something out of the corner of my eye in the window. We are keeping a friends kid tonite and he has lukemia, so my first thought was that the parents needed him , knocked at the front door, then came around back. I start to stand up when a total fvcking stranger presses his face to the window. Keep in mind its 1 am and weve had a rash of breakins around my neighborhood recently. I nearly crapped myself. I yelled for my wife to run inside and thats when the man noticed we were in the garage and commenced to haul ass out of there. I get my gun and go outside while my wife calls 911. 20 freakin minutes later a sheriff shows up, and thanks to the dew on the grass discovers two sets of footprints, tells me he will drive around the block looking for them.
Now its almost 4 am, quiet as can be, and I can't sleep because every little creek the house makes me nervous. I feel angry, pissed and worried at the same time. I don't feel safe in my own home anymore.
Sorry about the rant, but I needed to tell someone.
Man-i just read that and then re-read and it freaked me out both times.There is nothing worse than being violated in your home.Really glad to hear noone was harmed---maybe someone above was keeping an eye on you.

Get a dog, a biiiiiiig dog and train it. You can have one that will protect the house and still be great with the kids.
keep your gun handy most burglars will come back for a second time to see if they can still break in, maybe they were after the buick if you got one that is.. give them a full load of cooper when they show up again..
nisnutz Get a dog, 2 pits here and never had a problem.

thats what i was gonna say, get i gun and a pit or two wait for his punk ass to come back and let them have at him.
If you lived close to me I would loan ya my 80#red nose.Loves kids and hates anyone that comes to the door!!

That would scare the living piss out of just about anyone.

I agree, a dog isn't the best answer to ACTUALLY be protected BUT they make a great warning/deterrant device.. Unfortunatelly most dogs wont protect anyhting after they get whacked hard enough. Pits being one of the few that will.

There was a huge discussion about this on my German Shepherd forum and most trainers agree that even GSDs wont sontinue to attack someone after being smacked/punched/kicked hard enough. Hense why guard dogs go through so much training.
Better to have it and not need it-- than need it and not have it....

Glad your Ok, and no-one was hurt.;)
glad to hear you and the family is o.k., be careful the S.O.B. just might come back, who knows?? something like that happened here,
a pair of dogs would be better than one, two dogs together have more confidence and you'll also have more eye's and ears, they don't have to be killer dogs, they just have to be able to bark and give you a heads up, you could also go to home depot and get a pair of flood lights, i brought a pair with motion sensor's for $19
and as everyone has been telling you a gun can be handy.

and also be careful opening the door that late at night!
Wow that's scary. Gave me the willies thinking about it. We had a rash of car break-ins 'round here a couple of years ago. One night I was walking past my front door just in time to see the floods trip on. MF'er took off like a bat of hell. Ran across the street and between my neighbor's houses. Cops couldn't find him.

A dog is a good idea, but not everyone is "dog people". My dog's only 50 lbs. but people generally don't want to mess with any dog. She is a great watch dog and will let me know if anything is out of the ordinary. Dogs see and hear much better than we do. She can hear the snap of a twig from deer in the woods with the windows closed. She goes nuts.

Motion sensor lights are good, too. Crooks don't like to be lit up and the fact that the light is on alerts you to their presence.

If you aren't in the market for a dog..get an Alarm System and keep the gun. You'll be able to sleep, its cheaper and you won't have to take care of it for the next 15 years.
If you get one you might as well add smoke detectors to it to get the full benefit of the monitoring. You'll also get a discount on your homeowners insurance.
First of all, thanx for all the input guys. Problaby getting a German Sheppard for Christmas.

I aslo purchased and installed a flood light with motion sensor. It even has an alarm that goes off indoors whenever the sensor is tripped.

My phone has for lack of a better term, a calls log. I looked up what time the call to 911 was yesterday. 12:40am.

After being up all night Sat. night, I slept a good portion of Sunday afternoon. That being said, Sunday night it was 12:30 before I knew it( I never stay up late Sunday night). Now, my motion sensor says it detects heat and wont go off if a small dog walks by and I even tested it out with my 4 year old boy. I must say good system. On low sensitivity, my boy made three passes, only tripping it once, whereas, I set it off as soon as Im within 30' of it.
Now, a couple of you guys said they(man in my window) might return. I couldnt imagine that he would. So, sure enough, 12:36 am, my alarm, for the first time in the six hours that its been installed, starts going off.
I never saw the man, and it may be coincidence, but I was watching the clock, telling my wife"wouldnt it be freaky if the motion sensor went off right about now" as it started going off.
It never went off again for the rest of the night. I slept on the floor, in the living room, with the alarm and my S&W 357 within 2 feet of my head.
Maybe its just a lack of sleep, but alot of the fear is gone and its been replaced by hatred. If that alarm goes off tonite, I swear by all things holy, I will just charge out my front door with a bat in my hand and wont come home till someone is beat to within an inch of his freakin life. Yesterday whiting this post just creeped me out, today it makes my blood boil.
Thanks for listening again.
Batter up!!!
Flood light = Good idea!

A word of caution....Don't shoot anything you can't see clearly enough to identify as a stranger....Then, drag him into the house ;)

The light will prolly be enough deterrent for him to go elsewhere. Is your porch light on at night?

Man that would scare the **** out of me too. I would have smashed that window so hard and so fast that the fvcker would have been picking shards of glass out of his face and teeth for weeks.

Be careful man.

Originally posted by lburou
Flood light = Good idea!

The light will prolly be enough deterrent for him to go elsewhere. Is your porch light on at night?

It is now, and security guy is comeing out this afternoon.
That happend to my a friend of mine, was passwed out drunk in the living room and at like 2 am woke up and was going to bed and hears someone sliding a window open, as he opens them a bit for air in the summer . He just picked up a big ash tray and cracked the guy in the skull with it. Guy takes off he call the cops they catch the guy 2 hrs later getting 30+ stitches in his forehead at gbmc.
Word to the wise.."dead men dont tell ther side of the story". Shot to kill and figure a way to call it self defense.