Ok to bead blast Front Cover??


Immature Member
Sep 28, 2002
Will it be ok to blast and paint my front cover while I have it out of the car?

As long as I flush the oil passages out good?

Any other ideas to clean it up?
I glass bead all my front covers. Be absolutely sure to clean every bolt hole and passage. I also cross drill the oil pump idler gear and glass bead the gears (tape off the shaft) . I would not bead the oil filter adapter unless you plan on eliminating the oil bypass valve (not a bad idea).

The Buick Motorsports manual gives alot of good tips to round off the sharp corners and enhance the output of the stock pump/front cover. This work is well worth the time you invest and your bearings will thank you.

From what I understand its fine to BEAD blast it but do not use a SAND blaster. The sand will bet stuck in the aluminum and when it gets hot the pores will open and let it go in your motor. Major no no but glass beads is fine just be sure to clean it GOOD with HOT water to make the pores open in the aluminum so you will be sure to get it all cleaned out good Daniel Ray
Clean, Clean, Clean.......You don't want glass beads in your oil, bad things will happen, trust me.

I blueprint front cover/oil pumps for $150 plus parts.
