oil cooler or not???

blown sn-95

New Member
Mar 19, 2004
I'm changing radiators, and the new one dosn't have an oil cooler built in. should i run an external or not run one at all?:confused:
where do you live?....if moderate climate, no cooler needed (now, here in sunny AZ...........)

in any case, I think it would be a good idea to get it out of the radiator
I'm located in So Califoria..it gets a bit warm out here too...
I forgot to mention the car is a daily driver.
I doubt you really need one unless racing in the heat.....but if it makes you feel better, put on an external and forget it

Since you ask for opinions---Get an external cooler---I have an oil temp gage and as the oil temp rises the oil pressure drops.
blown sn-95,

I can tell you that you will need some kind of oil cooler if the car is a daily driver. A couple of years ago I wasn't running an oil cooler on my Stage II engine and I could watch the oil pressure drop as I pulled a long grade due to the increase in oil temp. Since then I've gone back to the stock in-radiator type cooler and it's no longer a problem.
