Oakland Police Officer Down

Rumor has it that the coward after shooting the first two cops at the first scene, he tried shooting them in the head after they went down. :(
Kind of makes you get why some cops act out on people that rub them the wrong way. They never can tell if that person they got pulled over is going to start shooting.

Kind of makes you get why some cops act out on people that rub them the wrong way. They never can tell if that person they got pulled over is going to start shooting.

Exellent point ! We tend to critize them when we see a bad one thump someone wrongly, But we just don't know what its like to pull a car over at 3am and the windows are tinted where ya can't see nothing! And don't know if the guy just murdered someone an hour before ! Its a tuff job ! it ain't all doughnuts and coffee ! God bless their families ! IMHO Gary