Not mind 262

Dangit, where is the little emot eating popcorn waiting for the story to unfold when you need it?:confused: Wrong forum I guess:redface:
Who are you?The pink panther!!!! So clueless its funny DT

Not the Pink Panther brother but if you want your stuff back, quite being neive, CALL THE COPS!!!!!!!!! GNX 282 obviously has your parts and is in your backyard. Your Litho's have also popped up. GO GET THE COPS AND GET YOUR PARTS BACK!!!!!!!!!! The pics on GNX 282's profile obviously show that it has your parts on it.
As much of a jack@$$ as gnx000 acts like he is, that car can stay stolen as far as I'm concerned. These people are trying to help you and to figure out what is going on and here you are mouthing off at them. You are a lot better off getting to work on your Chevro-legs.
As much of a jack@$$ as gnx000 acts like he is, that car can stay stolen as far as I'm concerned. These people are trying to help you and to figure out what is going on and here you are mouthing off at them. You are a lot better off getting to work on your Chevro-legs.

get off my d!!!!!!!!!!!
I love screwing sheep

Out of the two of us, I am not the one stupid enough to park a gnX outside at night in a craphole like New York. I also am not the one that has a car that looks like it's been parked next to the Titanic rusting for a few decades. Furthermore, I am not the one dumb enough to bite the hand that feeds. These people are trying to help you catch the thief, and you are worried about men hanging onto your unit. You are a lot better off spending your time at a gay bar than around a turbo buick.
Eddie (GNX 000)...Posts like yours will NOT be tolerated on this forum. Please contribute to the information in the thread or don't post at all! Since you are the owner of GNX 262 its not crazy for members to what to know more info!

Its clear that GNX 262 has somewhat of a History behind it. The complete story would be great to hear as that is why the forum is learn the story behind each car!