new wideband 02 and calibration

Roland Black

New Member
Dec 20, 2001

I just got my new wideband and calibration diskette from FAST. My existing DOS software version is 1.303 and will not allow the calibration diskette to load. I know from previous posts on here that Windows based C-Com will allow the calibration to take effect. A friend has C-Com WP, and I can borrow his PC to get this to work if need be. I prefer DOS and want to keep it, rather than installing/keeping Windows.

However, does anyone out there using DOS have version 1.405, and if so, can I get a installation file copy? FAST couldn't find a copy otherwise they would have emailed it to me.

"IF" someone forwards me a copy, can I just load it into FAST as I would a calibration file............ or do I have to delete the existing C-Com file and start over again. I'm NOT real computer savy.... and am seeking a relatively easy fix. Thanks,
I just emailed you the FAST 1.400, but now that I reread I think you are looking for a DOS version of the calibration disk?
if so you just need to load the windows version of FAST onto your computer or borrow your friends. Then install the calibration disk using the windows version. After it installs you can go back to the DOS version if you want and even delete the Windows version. The calibration disk as I understand it is matched to the serial number of your ECM as well as the replacement O2 sensor, so the calibration file has to come from FAST.

Greg Kring
Thanks Greg. However, I am looking for a DOS upgrade.

I deleted windows off my lil Libretto so it would boot directly to DOS, and prefer DOS based C-Com over the Windows version. (old dog, new tricks =) So to accomplish a WP upgrade, I would have to reload Windows, then C-Com WP, then the calibration diskette. OR....... find a DOS upgrade to 1.405, OR.......... invite Dennis and his PC out to dinner.

I'm probably looking for a needle in a haystack as I think most people use C-Com WP. The calibration diskette and WB02 are from FAST..... and Ron Wiggins tested it and it loaded on 1.405. He just couldn't find an installation file to email me.

So close, yet sooooo far. THANKS,
I may be able to hook you up. Give me a little bit, and if no one else gets it for you, I think I have it on one of my computers that can access the web.
Craig...... sure hope you can find the DOS upgrade cuz I'm not doing too well.
Dennis brought his laptop over with Dos and Windows WP. We cabled his laptop up to my FAST and booted things up on Windows WP. Bottom line is, his A: drive doesn't work so I couldn't install the option diskette.

I'm going to contact Ron Wiggins at FAST again to ask if he can do some more looking for DOS 1.405.......... cuz I'm going nowhere on my own.

ANYBODY using DOS and have the latest and greatest, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks,
Dos 1.405 is loaded! Many thanks to Chris Cairns, Craig Smith and Ron Wiggins @FAST for their assistance. Still a few problems, but progress is being made. THANKS guys!