New Member in DE, with some general ???'s ...


New Member
Jun 14, 2012
Hey y'all,
Like the title states, I am a new member to the site. I'm also pretty new to the GN world, other than a little research. I figured this was a good place to start, to introduce myself and direct my questions from there..

To most of my friends, I am considered a Ford man. But I'm not that "racist" when it comes to vehicles. I have always admired the Grand Nationals.

I am trying to get in the market to buy one. I was wondering if you guys can help me with some general questions...
Are there any key issues to look for when buying? Are there any known or common problems to look for to see if they have been addressed or need to be? Any common rust areas, etc.? Anything else you guys can think of that would help me out in my search for one would be appreciated...
I would really like to find one with T-tops, but I know they are more rare.

Thanks in advance,
Welcome to the site. Lots of Mustang converts here.:rolleyes: Take your time and do your homework. Try not to get too much of a fixerupper. It'll nickel and dime you to death. Even if you do get a beater, for a few thousand bucks you will most likely be able to lay waist to most anything in your neighborhood.;)

Don't be afraid to ask questions. Use the search too. Lots of good info and great people here.


Mike Barnard
i have had about 30 g body t top cars and guess what probably 29 of them had roof rot the other 1 lived in a garage its whole life.doors rot,frames rot ,quarter panels rot, the whole car rots. i suggest looking at the doors first then the frame next. header hanels are often broken and expensive, bumper fillers are costly as well. buy the best car you can afford and take your time looking and dont be afraid to take a more knowledgeable gn/ regal guy with you.

seats and doorpanels often shot,dash pads split,steering wheel leather goes to crap.etc....... trannys often shot too! theres a million things that could go bad especially now they are older.

now onto the good! super easy to make fast relatively inexpensive. could have a mid 11's car for probably under $2500 on top of the cost of the car and will still get 20 mpg. i drove about 7 of these cars exclusively for the last 9 years up until this past january and i finally gave in and got a more modern car. i loved most days especially blowing cars away that should of been way faster. or when street racing cars with way more than i had and beating them and then nobody could believe that i was stock with bolt ons and only had a 6 .