new guy...Just drove her home an hour go!

Welcome! Yeah i'm picking up a GN in 2 wks. I can't wait. It will go in the garage next to my Cobra.
You're at the right place. These guys won't steer you wrong. If you have a direction, ask first, buy once, and don't look back!

Have fun!!!
First I need to figure out how this engine even works!! I'm used to working on big block Mopars LOL...But, who is the "Magna" crew? I've already been on your website TR looking at up/down pipes, I will give u a call.

These guys, lot of them are in your area.

Mid-Atlantic Grand National Association - MAGNA - A car club for Buick Grand National & GNX, T-Type & Turbo T, and Pontiac Turbo Trans AM owners in the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania