New 2011 Durango catches fire in DC Parade

well according to the commercial its been studying hard to be better that's why it disappeared for 2 years...well looks like it failed fire safety class..lmao... what a crappy suv....
Jeez, You'd think SOMEONE would try to put it out. There's a fire extinguisher or two nearby somewhere. But let's just let it burn for entertainment...
Better stay away from Mercedes too, since the new Dorango is built on the Mercedes ML/GL/RL platform and technology. :eek:
yea look just cuz it cant pass fire safety class over there is not its fault it should have went to school in the u.s.a:biggrin:
The guys I know at the big three call that a "thermal event". :eek: Can't use the word fire. Not PC ya know.
After the last new Ram I bought and then my wife's Grand Cherokee, reading about a new Chrysler being junk comes as no surprise to me.